Monday, June 29, 2020

The garbage media

Red State: "Kayleigh McEnany Gives ‘Reporter’ Answer He Deserves After Ridiculous Question About Trump and the Civil War." 


  1. Anonymous8:58 PM

    McEnany "shut down" another "garbage" reporter today who asked whether President Trump had any message for Moscow. The president did not, McEnany schooled the fake loser, because Trump has not yet been briefed on the troop-shooting bonus payments.

    The story broke publicly on Friday, but Trump still doesn't know the details. REPORTER EVISCERATED!

    Except Trump was given the information three months ago, but the alibi is he hates reading. MIC DROP!

    125 days before the election, the campaign is really leaning into "Not a Russian asset, merely a lazy turd" messaging.

    That, and also "We mustn't comment on an ongoing intelligence investigation." The eight House members who (unlike Trump) WERE briefed on the talking points today came out singing that line like a barbershop octet. Guess what else the eight selected invitees had in common?

    No biggie, though. This is definitely a one news cycle kind of story.

  2. Anonymous10:17 PM

    New fake garbage reporting tonight reveals the President of the United States didn't receive the brief three months ago. He got it four months ago.

  3. Anonymous11:07 PM

    The lyin' Associated Press now reports that Donald Trump wasn't told about the Russian murder bounties until March, after all.

    As in March, 2019.

    Told directly, and to his face, by John Bolton.

    Good thing this story will be gone by tomorrow.

  4. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Sen. John Cornyn’s excuse for the President of the United States doing nothing about Russian bounties on U.S. troops:

    “Well, I think the president can’t single-handedly remember everything, I’m sure, that he’s briefed on.”

  5. Anonymous2:52 PM

    The Trump White House is now lying to his own Republicans. The New York Times national security reporter Charlie Savage (who is he?) explains:

    "Data intercepts showed GRU-to-Taliban $ transfers & a key intermediary fled to Russia, bolstering earlier detainee accounts about a Russian bounty op. Trump WH omitted in its briefing to GOP lawmakers as it downplayed intel as murky/contested."

  6. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Oh look, the garbage 'reporters' got the story right.

    At this hour, Kayleigh McEnany who was PWNING the media so hard, has been reduced to complaining to the 'reporters' about leakers.

    After her and Trump's ridiculous lies, it's the gutless retreat she deserves.

    Do you guys ever, EVER get tired of being suckers?

  7. Anonymous7:03 PM

    The White House says Trump has now been briefed on what was in his daily written intelligence briefing back in February.

    Trump sneered that it was probably "another phony Times hit job" 2 days and 5 alibis ago.

  8. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Kayleigh McEnany, utterly and deservedly PWNING another hapless Orange Man Bad reporter after their ridiculous question about the pandemic:

    “This president is the most informed person on Planet Earth in terms of the threats that we face.”

  9. Yeah that was great. Kayleigh is the best.

  10. Anonymous12:21 AM

    She sure has shut the media up, and how.

    Kandid Kayleigh: "The president was never briefed on this."
    The New York Times half a day later: "The president did receive the information. In fact, it was in his February 27 brief."

  11. Fake news from the fake New York Times.

  12. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Today, Kool Kayleigh became the first press secretary in U.S. history to tell America that the President reads.
