Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Chuck Todd is garbage

High-school graduate Chuck Todd was at it again: "NBC News’ Chuck Todd slammed for asking Bolton if Trump 'is afraid to make Putin mad' because he wants his help: 'This is not journalism'"
Sunday's question wasn't the first time that Todd has been accused of anti-Republican bias. Earlier this year, he offered an on-air apology after he faced criticism for what was described as a deceptively edited clip of Attorney General William Barr about his defense of the Justice Department's push to drop the case against former national security adviser Michael Flynn.
I've been watching "Meet the Press" since Garrick Utley was bringing his staid style and brown suit to the table.  The show is utterly unwatchable now as Todd pushes his personal agenda.

Speaking of John Bolton: here's a guy who is doing his damnest to cash in on his time in Trump's White House yet never mentioned the explosive charge of Russian bounties in his book.  But now, oh man, he totes remembers!  Or doesn't.  It depends on who's paying.

Extra garbage media - Twitchy: "Members of the press gushing over Carl Bernstein column that is a journalistic mess display all the problems with journalism."  "”Detailed”, he says — with no one on the record, and no true details given."

And this:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 PM

