Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Sources and methods

Legal Insurrection: "More Intelligence Sources Confirm Trump Not Briefed on Unsubstantiated ‘Russian Bounties’ Allegations" - “Because the allegations in recent press articles have not been verified or substantiated by the Intelligence Community, President Trump had not been briefed on the items,” NSA Robert O’Brien said in a statement."

So now the former and current Directors of National Intelligence, the National Security Advisor, and the Department of Defense have refuted the story with the Pentagon stating: "To date, DOD has no corroborating evidence to validate the recent allegations found in open-source reports.”  The New York Times - who would never push a bogus story - has an anonymous source.


  1. Haha - I almost linked that earlier.

    Biden came out and said the quiet part out loud when he said "I'm only supposed to call on certain reporters". Yep, we know, Joe.

  2. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Haha - Dems flip their first Kentucky state Senate seat in a decade.

    Haha - Trump trailing by 10% in Indiana's 5th district (he won the district by 12% in 2016)

    Haha - A-rated Suffolk University found the Democrats winning the generic ballot by 14%

    Haha - Two polls show Biden ahead by 4% in Georgia, and by 2%... in Missouri?

    The current impeachable scandal, in two words: Benghazi, but real.

  3. You know they're losing the debate when they have to roll out the polls.

  4. Anonymous10:03 PM

    You know you're losing the polls.

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    And so does Putin's ball polisher:


  6. Anonymous10:07 PM

    You think the polls are fake, and Trump White House statements are real?

    No, you don't.

  7. Wow, *three* quick-draw comments about the polls? Somebody sure needs to convince somebody that the polls are real.

    You know who that somebody is.

  8. Anonymous12:14 AM

    I foresee more and more music videos and Babylon Bee headlines over these next four months.

    Remember the theme for July: Benghazi, but real.

  9. I'm loving all the evidence presented so far.

    Makes for a quick read.

  10. Anonymous9:24 PM

    "When a man takes an oath, Meg, he is holding his own self in his own hands. Like water. And, if he opens his fingers then, he needn't hope to find himself again."

    To think that you debase yourself and your principles like this, and for what? This? Him?

  11. another Eric Lindholm5:37 PM

    I was wondering what your take on this would be. "Trump wasn't briefed" is the easy answer for now, but will also be the easiest to upend. What's your backup plan?

  12. The backup plan is: why didn't Adam Schiff say anything?

  13. Anonymous9:49 PM

    "Look! SQUIRREL... um, SCHIFF!"

    The pride you must feel in your Commander-un-Briefed.

  14. Yes, I can't believe Trump didn't respond to something he wasn't briefed on.

    Meanwhile, Obama was briefed - repeatedly - about the rise of ISIS. But the Lightworker was never called out on that.

    Gee, I wonder why.

  15. Anonymous10:35 PM

    As Roy Scheider said in Jaws, "You're going to need a bigger squirrel."

    (Remember when there was supposedly no feebler diversionary alibi than "blame Bush!" Good times. No principles, but good times.)

    Voters aren't going to elect Obama, Schiff or Trump as President in 2020.

  16. Oh, I think they'll elect one of those three.

  17. Anonymous11:28 PM

    No you don't.

  18. Everybody's second choice can't hide out in his basement forever.

  19. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Joe Biden has a simple winning message: keep pointing a live camera at Donald Trump.
