Monday, June 29, 2020

If you don't like the science, wait a little bit

Reason: "CDC Antibody Studies Confirm Huge Gap Between COVID-19 Infections and Known Cases" - "The difference implies that the virus is much less deadly than it looks, but it also makes contact tracing a daunting challenge."

We're not far away from the scene from the Woody Allen's "Sleeper" where a guy wakes up 200 years into the future and all the scientists tell him that red meat and smoking are healthy.


  1. My first Woody Allen movie as a kid. Seen it several times will still watch it if it comes on. Always wanted one of those Orbs.

  2. Anonymous6:30 AM

    "Covid was much less deadly than it looked."

    BANG, you called it, Doctor.

    A mere 1.2 million dead in America. Just 7 million worldwide. Arrest Fauci!
