Monday, June 29, 2020

Great moments in book reviews

Matt Taibbi: "On “White Fragility” - A few thoughts on America’s smash-hit #1 guide to egghead racialism."
It takes a special kind of ignorant for an author to choose an example that illustrates the mathematical opposite of one’s intended point, but this isn’t uncommon in White Fragility, which may be the dumbest book ever written. It makes The Art of the Deal read like Anna Karenina.


  1. Anonymous12:29 PM

    It makes The Art of the Deal read like Anna Karenina.

    It's always been apt to describe Donald Trump in Russian terms.

    And just like Anna and the train, Trump is going to end up mangled underneath "Amtrak Joe" Biden.

  2. Psst - Trump uses Russian dressing on his salads; just sayin'...

  3. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Stealing 3-year-old jokes that weren't witty 3 years ago?
