Sunday, June 28, 2020

The corrupt FBI and the compliant media

Kimberley Strassel in the WSJ: "Judging FBI Conduct" - "The D.C. Circuit becomes the first court to acknowledge the FBI’s 2016 abuse."
For years the evidence has piled up of a rogue FBI that spun a fake collusion narrative. This was followed by a savage special-counsel team that knew its collusion remit was baseless from the start—and so instead pursued consolation prosecutions. Including one against Mr. Flynn, despite FBI misconduct. Mr. Zelinsky was at the center of the FBI and prosecutorial excess—the actual politicization—that Mr. Barr is attempting to correct. This crew’s only hope of salvaging their reputations is to join Democrats’ campaign to besmirch Mr. Barr and fellow reformers. And the press—with its own Russia-hoax credibility problems—will gladly provide cover.
No kidding. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    prosecutorial excess—the actual politicization—that Mr. Barr is attempting to correct.
