Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Pretty sneaky, sis

Babylon Bee: "Clever Churchgoers Avoid Arrest By Disguising Themselves As Rioters." "Religious people in Southern California have found a bold, creative solution for in-person meetings in spite of the continuing lockdown. This past weekend, several area churches attended church services disguised as righteously indignant rioters." 


  1. Anonymous10:11 PM

    In just 48 hours, yesterday and today, ActBlue will have raised about $50 million for Democratic candidates. The Trump campaign would go wild if it raised that much over a three-month quarter.

    It's no Babylon Bee comedy gem... but I'm laughing.

  2. Anonymous11:16 PM


  3. These tiny triumphs always remind me of Lee J. Cobb in "12 Angry Men" when he gets a minor victory then stands up and declares "we're a hung jury!" Good for you.

    "Biden’s fundraising has trailed Trump, whose re-election effort raised $742 million in the last 16 months. Biden and the Democratic National Committee took in less than half of that, $342 million, through the end of April. Trump, the Republican National Committee and two fundraising vehicles had $255 million in the bank at the end of that month compared to $103 million for Biden and the DNC."

    Trump spent more money on red hats in 2016 than he did on TV ads. But don't worry, money will make all the difference this time.

  4. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Fundraising is but one indicator of many. Every indicator other than incumbency is pointed in Biden's favor.

    But it's not just Trump; throughout the Senate and House, the GOP is getting its campaign donation asses handed to them.

    If ~$50 million in 48 hours is but a tiny triumph, then may the Democrats be restricted to more such tiny triumphs. That's more money than Donald Trump's campaign raises in 13 weeks.

    ActBlue's $3 billion raised for the cycle will be a little bit less tiny. Or will that total now be $3,050,000,000?

    Since becoming the de facto nominee, Joe Biden has easily beaten Trump head-to-head in fundraising. Keep counting back to New Year's Day 2019 and include the RNC money, if that makes you feel happier.

    Seems like $500 million of the Trump/RNC cash advantage has already been spent. Can you explain what political or electoral advantage it has bought them?

  5. Hmmm, this is the most recent article I could find on the party comparison.

    "RNC outraises DNC by nearly two-to-one, Republican Hill committees outraise Democratic counterparts."


  6. "The filing deadline for all campaigns’ May fundraising totals is June 20. Biden and the Democratic National Committee combined to raise just over $60 million in April. Trump and the Republican National Committee brought in a touch more than $61 million over that same period of time."


    Wow, Biden's crushing it! But the article also says Biden has an ace in the hole because his best buddy Obama is going to hit the trail. Is there anything sadder than watching an old man lean so thoroughly on another to drag him over the finish line?

  7. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Seems like $500 million of the Trump/RNC cash advantage has already been spent. Can you explain what political or electoral advantage it has bought them?

    That was a lot of words to say "no."

  8. "Seems like" = making stuff up.

  9. Anonymous12:04 AM

    "Trump, whose re-election effort raised $742 million... had $255 million in the bank... through the end of April" = I guess you don't read what you post.

    Although maybe all the money wasn't spent on trying (and failing) to achieve a political or electoral advantage. No one would be surprised if some of that $500 million has been "redirected" in the usual Trump way.
