Monday, June 01, 2020

Bricks and fire

Heather MacDonald: "Darkness Falls" - "The collapse of the rule of law across the country, intensified by Antifa radicals, is terrifying." 


  1. Anonymous10:25 PM

    We must stop ACORN... I mean, Antifa!

  2. Anonymous5:25 PM

    RedState Duped By Fake Antifa Account Reportedly Run By White Nationalists

  3. ACORN9:11 PM

    Democrat Governors, Mayors Duped By Fake News Reports Of White Nationalist Rioting and Looting Actually Carried Out By Antifa

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Bad idea hitting "publish your comment," Babylon Beavis.

    Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

    The survey conducted on Monday and Tuesday found 64% of American adults were “sympathetic to people who are out protesting right now,” while 27% said they were not and 9% were unsure.

    More than 55% of Americans said they disapproved of Trump’s handling of the protests, including 40% who “strongly” disapproved, while just one-third said they approved - lower than his overall job approval of 39%, the poll showed.

    A separate Reuters/Ipsos poll found that Biden’s lead over Trump among registered voters expanded to 10 percentage points - the biggest margin since the former vice president became his party’s presumptive nominee in early April.

    Twice as many independent voters said they disapproved of Trump’s response to the unrest. Even among Republicans, only 67% said they approved of the way he had responded, significantly lower than the 82% who liked his overall job performance.

    Forty-seven percent of registered voters said they planned to support Biden in the Nov. 3 election, compared with 37% favoring Trump.

    ...And whatever you do, don't encourage Viking Pundit to look at his cherished betting markets.

  5. I'm sure they're sympathetic until they get a rock tossed through their window.

    "Some 58% of registered voters polled by Morning Consult support the deployment of the military to aid police responding to protests, with 33% of the 1,624 respondents saying they’d “strongly support” it and only 30% opposing."

  6. Funny how I'm never asked to participate in these polls; probably because I'll give them the 'incorrect' response.

  7. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Reuters/Ipsos poll, conducted Monday and yesterday:

    "64% of American adults were “sympathetic to people who are out protesting right now,” while 27% said they were not and 9% were unsure.

    More than 55% of Americans said they disapproved of Trump’s handling of the protests, including 40% who “strongly” disapproved, while just one-third said they approved - lower than his overall job approval of 39%, the poll showed.

    A separate Reuters/Ipsos poll found that Biden’s lead over Trump among registered voters expanded to 10 percentage points - the biggest margin since the former vice president became his party’s presumptive nominee in early April.

    Twice as many independent voters said they disapproved of Trump’s response to the unrest. Even among Republicans, only 67% said they approved of the way he had responded, significantly lower than the 82% who liked his overall job performance.

    Forty-seven percent of registered voters said they planned to support Biden in the Nov. 3 election, compared with 37% favoring Trump.

    Roger Bournival was not invited to comment because he'd only gay up the numbers."
