Monday, June 01, 2020

A dog's breakfast

Red State: "Judge Sullivan Delivers Response In Flynn Case and It’s Something."

I'm not a lawyer so I'll accept this legal analysis that Sullivan is making up stuff out of whole cloth.  Waiting for the Legal Insurrection analysis.

1 comment:

  1. Felix Frankfurter4:33 AM

    Courtroom Update:

    By all reports, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit didn't quite concur with the above legal assertions that Judge Sullivan's actions are "a dog's breakfast." Nor a "fishing expedition." Nor "hot garbage." The court's skepticism may be guided by the binding precedent of Breakfast v. Garbage (1958).

    Rather, the circuit court's pointed questions suggested the contrary. That they found the Barr DoJ's actions and lame justifications to be monkey business, a dumpster fire, and a steaming cow pie.

    Apologies for the technical legal terminology.
