Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Peaceful...except for that burning church

Federalist: "Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters" - "The entire narrative the media glommed onto in lockstep was that Trump was a monster who tear-gassed peaceful protesters to do something meaningless. None of that was true."


  1. Anonymous10:30 AM

    The Center for Disease Control says it was tear gas. The Trump White House and the Federalist say no, no, no. Ouch, what a stalemate, who to believe?

  2. Gilbert du Motier3:05 PM

    who[sic] to believe?

    If you want to indict the CDC for not knowing that tear gas and pepper balls are separate and distinct agents, have at it. At the same time you can make your case that the U.S Park Police, who did the crowd control of the rioters, is lying when claiming that they didn't use tear gas.

    But more importantly, How about if Nancy Pelosi herself weighs in? Does that affect the stalemate in your head?

    I'm dying to know if Nancy Pelosi requires cancelling...

  3. The U.S. Park Police also said it was not tear gas.

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Trump 2020: Some insist he didn't technically "tear gas" priests so he could shove them away from their church.

    The party of morality and individual rights.

  5. Gilbert du Motier9:34 PM

    What's the matter - frustrated that Nancy pulled the rug out from under you? That's the thanks you get for your sycophancy.

    My advice: stand firm nevertheless. Believe the "Center[sic] for Disease Control"!

  6. Anonymous10:28 PM

    As the Federalist's Bill Clinton said, "It depends upon what the meaning of the word 'tear gas' is."

    RCP poll leads on this day in history:

    2004: Kerry +1.6
    2008: Obama +1.4
    2012: Obama +1.3
    2016: Clinton +1.5
    2020: Biden +8.0

  7. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Fox News poll out today:

    Wisconsin: Biden 49%, Trump 40%
    Arizona: Biden 46%, Trump 42%
    Ohio: Biden 45%, Trump 43%

    Arizona: Kelly 50%, McSally 37%

    Quinnipiac poll out today:

    Texas: Trump 44%, Biden 43%

  8. Anonymous10:48 PM

    Fun with crosstabs:
    Suburban women in Wisconsin are going 64% Biden vs. 29% Trump in the new Fox News poll.

  9. Gilbert du Motier9:11 AM

    "I'll just turn to muh polls for comfort. They won't leave me holding the bag like a useful idiot."

  10. Anonymous12:06 PM

    From the Associated Press, those damned hoaxers:
    President Trump and some of his supporters are claiming authorities did not use tear gas against people in a crackdown outside the White House this week. An AP Fact Check finds evidence that they did.

    Those lying priests at the landmark St. John's Church agree.

    The tear gas wasn’t tear gas.
    The photo op wasn’t a photo op.
    The clergy liked what I did.
    The protests weren’t peaceful.
    Antifa’s behind it all.
    They’re a domestic terrorist organization.
    Existing security barriers are really caches of Antifa bricks.
    Trump didn’t hide in his bunker, he merely inspected it.
    MAGA loves the blacks.
    Trump’s done more for blacks than anybody.
    Mattis didn’t quit, he was fired.
    Obama is the racial divider.
    The fake media is lying to you about all of the above.

    ….and the polls are all lies, lies, because Trump is secretly winning.

  11. Gilbert du Motier1:22 PM

    "Polls? I don't need muh polls, I was just citing them for variety. Nancy can shove tear gas."

  12. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Too bad you don't honestly believe what you're posting. It would be so much funnier this November if you did.

  13. Gilbert du Motier3:08 PM

    You're right:

    "Polls? I do need muh polls. I was citing them as a security blanket. What does Trump have on poor Nancy?"

  14. Anonymous4:16 PM

    "It's only tear gas if it comes from the Gaseaux region of France, otherwise it's just Sparkling Repression at the Hands of the State."

  15. Gilbert du Motier6:08 PM

    "Alright, listen up. Those bricks and frozen water bottles could kill someone. Get the tear gas ready and deploy it."

    "Yes, Sergeant. But one you want me to deploy tear gas, or do you want me to deploy tear gas instead?"

    "Dammit, can't you understand the English language? Get the tear gas and deploy it now. That's an order! Then get me a copy of the classified image of Nancy Pelosi with Jane Fonda."

  16. It's a shame that Trump has corrupted even the Park Police to lie.

  17. Anonymous11:58 PM

    The Park Police also said they gave three warnings before dispersing the crowd. They did not.

    The Park Police also said their NOT tear gas was used as a response to protesters throwing objects. (Which happily coincided with that "third warning.") There was no sudden burst of thrown objects.

    How do we know the Park Police's report is "incorrect"? Because there were one or two reporters on the scene. And maybe even a cell phone on low battery.

    The Park Police also "verified" Trump's claim of having had the largest inauguration crowd ever. Which is therefore true, because there's no more respected and trusted organization in all of the U.S. than the Park Police.

    Even for the party of "alternative facts," this paper-thin pedantry is an unusually mortifying effort.

  18. Gilbert du Motier9:50 AM

    There was no sudden burst of thrown objects.

    What a fascinating sentence.

  19. Anonymous2:34 PM

    As fascinating as "Media Falsely Claimed Violent Riots Were Peaceful And That Tear Gas Was Used Against Rioters"? Five lies in 15 words-- not an all-time record for the Federalist, but a good day's work nonetheless.

    But let's agree to disagree (that you're serious people). The important thing is that Donald Trump got a Bible photo op that didn't backfire on him in any way, because his campaign is cruising.

    It's paid off like the image of Mike Dukakis in the tank... if Dukakis had used tear gas to clear the path to getting in the tank.

  20. Anonymous3:12 PM

    But don't take it from me....

    US Park Police: It was a “mistake” to say no tear gas was used in Lafayette Square

    Business Insider: Park Police contradict the White House's claims that it didn't use tear gas on protesters, admit they were 'incorrect' in saying pepper balls aren't tear gas

    Next time, trust your own eyes instead of pointlessly pedantic Trump spin (assuming your own eyes haven't been burned by synthetic chemical agents).

  21. Gilbert du Motier3:48 PM

    From your Vox article:

    On Friday, [US Park Police spokesperson] Delgado maintained their original statement was accurate as it relates to the Park Police: “no tear gas was used by USPP officers.”
    Delgado couldn’t comment on whether or not other federal agencies, like the Secret Service, used tear gas at the protest. All law enforcement agencies involved in the violent dispersal, though, have denied launching tear gas.
    “If we had shot CS or CN, every [Park Police] officer there would’ve had a gas mask on,” said Delgado, who was present the forced dispersal on Monday. “But what you saw were very few officers with gas masks walking through the quote-unquote tear gas with no effects. Now that would be impossible if that was CS or CN and you had no protection.”

    “I’ve been through the stuff. You would see officers and civilians crawling, everything out of their sinuses pouring out onto their shirts and onto the ground, people helping each other walk because you can’t see,” Delgado noted.

    Which is, of course, exactly what those screeching "Tear Gasss!" want you to think happened. Or am I wrong?

  22. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Ha, ha. No tear gas required to make you weep from frustration. Do you ever get tired of being this right, this often?

    Or (gasp) don't you believe the Park Police?

    This is the chemical high I prefer: MUH POLLS!

    Texas: Trump 48%, Biden 48% (Trump won it by 9%)
    Iowa: Trump 48%, Biden 47% (Trump won it by 9%)
    North Carolina: Biden 49%, Trump 45% (Trump won it by 3%)

    Ernst losing in Iowa (again), Tillis losing in North Carolina (again).

    And look at today's snapshot of this pretty, pretty map.

    At least Idaho is still safely in the bank.

  23. Gilbert du Motier8:42 PM

    Be prepared. People who see you on election night might report you had tear gas used on you.

    Authorities will deny it.

  24. Anonymous10:21 PM

    "I'm wrong today... but I won't be wrong SOMEDAY!"

    Morning Consult poll, June 2-5:
    Trump approval 36%, Trump disapproval 59%

    Marist poll of independent voters:
    Q: Do you think President Trump’s response to George Floyd’s death has:
    Mostly increased tensions— 73%
    Mostly decreased tensions— 12%

  25. Gilbert du Motier11:55 AM

    Yuh polls are not forward-looking. Yuh fears are.

  26. Anonymous6:11 PM

    The more yuh bellyache about muh enjoyment of muh polls, the more yuh also insult yuh emotionally fragile little bunker bitch and his overwhelmed caretakers.

    From the failing New York Times (published in America's most murder-less big city):

    “At times, Mr. Trump's allies have taken unusual steps to try to calm his frustration, including commissioning and then leaking a poll last month that suggested that Mr. Trump had gained ground rapidly on Mr. Biden.”

    Like jangling car keys to soothe a baby. If the baby was the president.

  27. Gilbert du Motier9:08 AM

    You quote the New York Times as if there is any integrity left in that once-mediocre propaganda sheet. Good choice.

  28. Anonymous12:59 PM

    That it's you "exposing" the New York Times is the most powerful endorsement of the Times' accuracy there could be. Just this week, you were dumb enough to believe Trump's premature spin on the jobs report AND to believe the "no tear gas!" lie. That's a bad week. You probably also think Trump was just inspecting his bunker.

    And you kept citing and citing Nancy Pelosi as if an inconclusive word from her is devastating holy writ to Democrats. But I'm not as gullible and needy as you. Should I jangle my car keys to make you giggle?

    New poll out today in Michigan: Biden by 12%.

    Plus a nice 11% generic ballot lead for the Democrats. I knew you'd want to know.

  29. Gilbert du Motier2:04 PM

    It's good to hear you've gotten to where you're no longer gullible and needy when it comes to information from Nancy. She's now rivaling Joe Biden for exhibiting brain spasms.

  30. Anonymous11:47 PM

    A Trump cockholster, disparaging the condition of any other politician's brain. That's so darling.

  31. Gilbert du Motier9:10 AM

    "You shut up, that's my Nancy you're talking about!!1!"

  32. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Saying "Nancy" will save me from having been such a gullible dunce on tear gas! Onslaught of bad polls? Nancy!

    Axios: “Right now Trump is at a low point in his presidency and re-election campaign. A source briefed on his internal polls called them "brutal," showing a significant drop-off in independent support.”

    Four more Trump approval polls came out this weekend. Their average: 39% approval, disapproval 56.8%.

    The Trump campaign hires their own pollster to debunk all the other pollsters. So much winning.

  33. Gilbert du Motier8:58 PM

    Oh look - where were you when Nancy needed you?

    Doesn't her whimpering just go right to your heart?

  34. Anonymous12:13 AM

    No whimpering from me. I was only hit by pepper spray, which as you and Bill Barr know, is NOT tear gas and is NOT a chemical irritant. Never you mind that the the Department of Justice's guidelines say the exact opposite.

    In today's five new national polls, Biden is beating Trump by 8%, 9%, 10%, 12% and 14%. Not even the least of those is survivable for Trump.

    But cheer up, because polls can change! They certainly have changed in the last month, tee hee.

    Bunker Bitch's approval numbers are even worse, led by a minus-22% from Morning Consult. Which had been delivering some of Trump's more favorable and gentle poll results over the past year.

    It must be an outlier. They ALL must be outliers...
