Wednesday, May 06, 2020

The Fauxcahontas flip

Legal Insurrection: "Elizabeth Warren Says Joe Biden Has Been ‘Credible and Convincing,’ Infuriating the Berners."

If you think a person who was a Republican in Oklahoma and a Democrat in Massachusetts has any core beliefs beyond political ambition, then I have news for you. 


  1. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Donald Trump's voter registration history, 1987 to present:
    Republican; Independence Party; Democratic; Republican (black guy running); independent; Republican.

    Trump, 2004: "I probably identify more as Democrat."

    TRUMP 2020: If you happen to get him at the right time, he understands the concerns of people like me.

  2. I hope they put her on the ticket; having a liberal from Mass. on the Dem. presidential ticket is a sure-fire loser.

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    You thought Paul Ryan would be a winning pick. Thinking isn't really working out for you.
