Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Suddenly so very mysterious

Hot Air: "NPR Public Editor: We Were ‘Too Slow’ Reporting On Tara Reade’s Allegations Against Biden."
This is what the left-leaning media does week after week, year after year. They apply two different standards and then, even when it’s obvious there are different standards being used, even when they bother to notice that’s the case, they still profess themselves mystified as to the reason.
Yes, it's a mystery.  Every time.


  1. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Hot Air is angry at media outlets that apply two different standards, year after year.

  2. Hot Air doesn't portray itself as an unbiased news source.

  3. Anonymous - I have a few extra face masks; would you like one to cover up that massive bitch slap Eric just hit you with?

  4. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Awesome takedown by Hot Air, which completely exposed NPR once NPR had issued its own public self-critique.

  5. Anonymous1:28 AM

    Tara Reade cancelled her scheduled interviews with CNN and Fox News in favor of doing an Instagram interview. Her blockbuster "I think he should drop out" pressure hasn't moved the needle yet.

    But now that Reade's being officially represented by a Kremlin propaganda lawyer, it's sure to happen.
