Tuesday, May 05, 2020

Calvinball at the NY Times

I've always said that Michelle Goldberg is the dumbest columnist at the New York Times.  Today she pretty much proved it: "‘Changing the rules’: NYT’s Michelle Goldberg pulls off impressive feats of intellectual gymnastics in piece comparing Christine Blasey Ford with Tara Reade."

Mark Hemingway sums it up: "Huh. Democrats are actually going with the talking point that Blasey Ford has more corroborating evidence than Reade.  Best of luck with that!"

Extra - David Harsanyi: "You can believe whomever you choose in the alleged sexual-misconduct cases of Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh, but you can’t revise history to erase your partisan double standards."


  1. "Metrics"8:07 PM

    The fifth or sixth poll in a row just found Biden ahead in North Carolina. (15 electoral votes for Trump last time.)

    Biden up in the newest Colorado poll by 18%. (Hillary won the state by 5%.)

    Trump winning Iowa by 2% (he won by 9.4% in 2016).

    Trump tied with Biden in Texas (a 9% Trump red state in 2016).

    Trump losing Pennsylvania by 6% (we know what happened there).

    Trump winning Montana by 5% (he won Montana by 21% in 2016).

    When is "Biden the mad rapist" going to deliver yet another one of those late-late-late-arriving "after he blew up Soleimani"/"after he beat impeachment" polling bumps?

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    After an brief internal struggle, Michelle Goldberg managed to push the "Ignore The Victim" button. It was tough, but she's at peace now.

  3. Soon she'll be taking the very reasonable position that the Democrats should investigate Biden. Because the New York Times is reasonable.

  4. Anonymous11:34 PM

    ABC News: Trump lawyers ask for halt in suit from woman alleging rape


  5. That loon? There's a reason the media dropped her story like a hot potato.

  6. "Metrics"4:37 PM

    But Tara Reade's stor(ies) are airtight.

    And so far they're working!

    Monmouth: Biden 50%, Trump 41%
    Up from a 4% Biden lead in the previous Monmouth poll, and 3% in the poll before that.

    Men: Trump 46%, Biden 44%
    Women: Biden 56%, Trump 36%
    (Trump won men by 12% in 2016.)

    Generic Congressional ballot: up to Dems 52%, GOP 42%

    Trump approval minus-13%, down from minus-8% a month ago, and minus-3% in the poll before that.

    86% of respondents have heard about the Biden/Reade accusation; 37% say it's probably true. A third of the "probably true" voters support Biden.
