Thursday, September 26, 2019

So, how'd the hearing go today?

PJ Media: "Lies, Damned Lies, and Democrats: The MSM-DNC's Worst Week Ever."

Extra - Ben Shapiro: "‘That’s pretty weak tea’."


  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

    It's amazing what a clown show this "impeachment" effort is to this point.

    You've got Adam "Evidence" Schiff reduced to reading a fictional transcript that is damning to Trump, in a tacit admission that the real transcript provides nothing for even him to use in the propaganda effort.

    Then all their media outlets in unison, concatenated Trump's statement "I would like you to do us a favor..." with "there's a lot of talk about Biden" as if they weren't skipping over hundreds of words concerning the "favor" before the subject of Billion Dollar Biden even came up.

    The overwhelming impression is that the Democrats/Media are simply following where their sense of numb desperation leads them.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    What slander. Forrest Gump would never say something that stupid.

  3. Ken Vogel of the New York Times reported that the Ukrainians didn't even know their aid was delayed until a month after this call.

    Man, Trump sucks at extortion.

  4. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Why even worry? This airball's not going to make it out of the House.
