Friday, September 27, 2019

Worst extortion ever

Ace: "No Big Deal, But Ukraine Wasn't Even Aware Their Aid Was Being Delayed/Reviewed Until More Than a Month After Trump Supposedly Threatened to Withhold Aid."

It's just a New York Times reporter so, you know, probably fake news.


  1. Anonymous8:08 PM

  2. You guys love your polls.

  3. "According to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist Poll, 73 percent of Americans want the whistleblower to testify publicly while approving of the impeachment inquiry by a margin of 49-46."

    I suspect that this Bernie Bro won't testify.

  4. Anonymous12:12 AM

    The old crystal ball is really getting a workout this week!

    Viking Pundit, September 2018, on Dr. Christine Blasey Ford: "Prediction: Ford will never testify under oath."

  5. I should have added "truthfully."

    Because she lied.

  6. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I should have added "truthfully."

    Naturally. Calling her a liar is what you meant to say.

    You were certainly forgetful that month.

    Viking Pundit, September 2018: She won't testify under oath. Not going to happen.

    Viking Pundit, September 2018: The "negotiation" is just a means to eventually decline to testify.

  7. Anonymous1:50 PM

    She is a liar, even her friends have said as much.

    It's cute how you hang on Eric's every word too, just like a puppy waiting for his owner's attention.

  8. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Your reply was...... predictable.

  9. Anonymous2:58 PM

    You guys love your polls.

    There's a lot to love.

    A new poll out Tuesday from the Washington Post and the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University shows dramatic shifts in support of the impeachment process, with 58 percent of the country now saying they support the impeachment inquiry and nearly half—49 percent—saying they support removing Trump from office.

    The level of support for the impeachment process predictably differs along party lines, but none of the recent indicators are good for the president. “Since a July poll by The Post and ABC, there has been movement toward an impeachment inquiry among all three groups, with support for the inquiry rising by 25 points among Democrats, 21 points among Republicans and 20 points among independents.”

    Gosh, I wonder what Week Three will bring?
