Thursday, September 26, 2019

Drip drip drip

Legal Insurrection: "Joe Biden and Ukraine is “Hillary’s Emails” all over again." 


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    No, you and Legal Insurrection are angry and confused.

    Taking the Ukraine extortion call and burying all records of it onto an extra-classified server — against all normal protocol — is "Hillary's Emails" all over again.

    Donald Trump literally does every single thing he accuses others of doing. Defending this rancid man, what a pitiable hill to die on.

  2. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Someone seems upset, frustrated, and even a little hurt.

    He should feel triumphant and happy in this glorious moment of impeachment.

    "Non-normal protocol will save us!"

    By the way, conversations with other world leaders have been "buried" (in a new normal protocol) since 2017 (per Politico):

    "After 2017, when verbatim transcripts of his conversations with the leaders of Australian and Mexico were leaked to the press, the White House began to restrict the number of officials who had access to the transcripts. One former Trump administration official confirmed that the White House started placing transcripts into the codeword system after those leaks.
    'I don’t think the person who leaked those was ever really discovered,' said the former Trump administration official. 'So there was a decision to tighten the restrictions for those who had access to those transcripts.'”

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    And a question...

    Why would someone who felt confident that Trump's conversation was a "Ukrainian extortion call" - because that would be game over, right? - why would such a person even care about whether the transcript was stored according to "all normal protocols"?

    Here's why. We're witnessing the same frantic goalpost-shifting that the whole Democrat/Media complex is performing even as we sit here.

    The beautiful, perfect goalpost-shifting. Remember when the transcript was going to show quid pro quo pressure from Trump, and how he had pressed his demands eight times in the call?

    Good, nostalgic times. With more to come.

  4. Anonymous2:58 PM

    "Trump didn't do it... because Trump already started doing it!"

    Burying evidence of guilt is thoroughly normal. So suck on this article titled "White House ‘lockdown’ of transcript would be highly unusual."

    In the end, glorious impeachment will save Trump from impeachment.

    Someone seems upset, frustrated, and even a little hurt.

    "I know you are, but what am I?" would have been shorter to type.

    It's a strong body blow, though. Hitting me in my weakest spot. The distress and sadness among liberals this week has been heart-rending to watch.

  5. Anonymous6:07 PM

    The distress and sadness among liberals this week has been heart-rending to watch.

    You ain't seen (or felt) nothing yet.

  6. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Oooh, chilling.

    "Don't you dast throw Donald into that thar impeachin' patch! You gwan be sorry!"

    You may have forgotten, but 2019 is going to be so fun! Q4 most of all!

  7. "...going to be so fun."

    Wow, I haven't heard this much enthusiasm since the Mueller report.

  8. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Tell us all about the fun of the first three quarters!

  9. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Sorry to learn about your nine-month coma, Roger. Did your family notice the difference?

    There was one blessing to your total oblivion: you missed the tragic devastation of the Birmingham hurricane. Greatest loss of life since Bowling Green.

  10. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Unless a hurricane is your idea of "fun", I have to conclude you're tap dancing because you got nothing (you show that tell more frequently than Pelosi's face spasms).

    We're waiting for your summary of what made 2019 "so much fun" during Q1, Q2 and Q3.

  11. Anonymous1:10 PM

    The honorable Bob Barr does the summaries. I'm here to laugh at you. And 2019 has been a very funny year.

    You're in a grouchy and accusatory mood for someone whose president just got his reelection guaranteed.

  12. Anonymous3:17 PM

    We're still waiting for the 2019 Somuchfun list, and people are beginning to snicker.

  13. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Hang in there, Godot.

    Actual snickering AND actual 2019 fun, in one actual Politico article title graphic:,f_auto,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/v7bzhvyyh6cvcmgk7tbi.png

    Cheer up, moron. Sure, 2018-2019 has bent you over and given it to you without lube. But 2020 is going to be GLORIOUS. The foolish Dems launching impeachment proceedings only made Richard Nixon stronger.

  14. Anonymous5:50 PM

    So it's been established that a blowhard, buffoonish poseur has nothing. What a shocking development.

  15. So fun10:32 AM

    Someone seems upset, frustrated, and even a little hurt.

  16. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Yeah...I knew that one would linger from the get-go.
