Wednesday, January 16, 2019

But don't call it a witch hunt

Rich Lowry: "When Did It Become the FBI’s Job to Act as a Check and Balance to the President?" "The proximate cause of the FBI investigation, if the Times reporting is correct, wasn’t any new information about Russia’s activity. It was Trump acting entirely within his powers to fire his FBI director. This might be the first time that a FBI counterintelligence investigation was triggered by a lawful domestic action. This is crazy."


  1. Anonymous10:43 PM

    The President's mouthpiece Rudy Guiliani, speaking tonight on lying CNN:

    “I never said there was no collusion between the campaign or between people in the campaign. I have not. I said the president of the United States. ...He [Trump] didn't say nobody [colluded with Russia]. He said he didn't. He said he didn't. He didn't say nobody."

    "My Donald is not a Communist. He may be a liar, a pig, an idiot, a Communist... but he is NOT a porn star."

  2. Anonymous12:33 AM

    Rudy Giuliani:
    “If the collusion happened, it happened a long time ago.”

  3. Robert Fisk9:30 AM

    Rudolph Giuliani will save us!

  4. Anonymous4:16 PM

  5. Anonymous9:49 PM

    The circular firing squad: Mueller targets turn on each other

    Rudy Giuliani sent an unmistakable message Wednesday night: It’s everyone for themselves.

    During a CNN interview, President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer blurted out that the only person he knows about who didn’t collude with Russia was Trump himself. Although Giuliani tried to walk back his comments on Thursday, the remarks put the sprawling web of people caught up in special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe on notice: no one is coming to save you.

    “Ya think!!!” one former Trump campaign official wrote to POLITICO when asked if Giuliani was trying to protect the president at the expense of everyone who worked for him.

    The Team Trump infighting has been a prosecutor’s dream for Mueller, opening up an ever-widening window into the behind-the-scenes workings of a rookie politician whose campaign has been under investigation for years. The special counsel and federal prosecutors have already benefited from the internal sniping, flipping Trump’s former lawyer, national security adviser and campaign chairman.

  6. Maybe one of those guys will say something related to Russia.

  7. Anonymous2:49 AM

    For instance, that Donald Trump personally directed him to lie to Congress about his Trump Tower dealings with Russia during the campaign? I'm just spitballing here...
