Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Bring back the nukes

Hit and Run: "Green New Deal Will Try Anything Except Nukes, Hydro, Markets ..." "Using climate change as an excuse to pursue other social and economic goals."


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    The Onion: Fox News Debuts Premium Channel For 24-Hour Coverage Of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  2. Well you shoehorned that into this post on energy policy. Nice job.

  3. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Obviously you only became interested in a critique of the Green New Deal because you'd been thinking about Thomas Friedman's column from 12 years ago, or Jill Stein's 2012 platform.

  4. What? These appear to be English language words.

  5. Robert Fisk9:15 PM

    He's just demonstrating what non-obsession over Occasional-Cortex looks like.

  6. Anonymous10:51 PM

    This Week in Totally Un-Obsessed Republicans:

    Do you like cringe comedy? Because the Daily Wire's editor-in-chief Ben Shapiro made some poor schmoe write a “story” that - in its entirety - is about a witless tweet Shapiro sent, and what a devastating triumph it was. The combination of neediness and fixation makes the skin crawl.

    Daily Wire: Shapiro Shreds Ocasio-Cortez With Hilarious Tweet

    Jim Sciutto
    Asked just now about @AOC, Trump says “Who cares?” and gestures dismissively.

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    I bartended for *years* in New York City. I understand guys like this like the back of my hand.
    We got under his skin 😂⬇️

    Ben Shapiro
    Glad you're qualified for something


    The article says Shapiro “fired back.” “In hilarious fashion.”

    Meanwhile, while you two cool and collected dudes play "I know you're obsessed but what am I?" while typing Occasional-Cortex every 45 minutes, the bartender just got a seat on the House Financial Services Committee.

  7. Robert Fisk9:30 AM

    The free-associative musings of an unstable mind.

    And to think he has trouble believing I don't read many of his comments.

  8. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "I object to your crazy comments that I don't read." Methinks the lame-o doth protest too much.

    The 19th century New Yorkers who waited on the docks for new installments of Charles Dickens stories to arrive from England by boat didn't care about reading those as much as you hunger for my next post.

  9. Anonymous4:32 PM

    And along those same lines...

    The GOP's manic obsession with Occasional-Cortex is so conspicuous that it can be mocked in an Onion headline gag.... but that means it's THE ONION that's really the obsessed one!!

  10. Robert Fisk5:51 PM

    In addition to an unstable mind, Hall is demonstrating his lack of logical abilities.

    To wit:

    Me: "I don't actually read most of his comments"

    Hall: "That can't be, because you attack some of them."

    Me: "Ergo, I read some of them."

    Hall: "Ah, See - that proves you are obsessed with them!"

    Honestly, if I knew revealing the truth about this would create such an existential crisis in him, I would have mercifully not mentioned it.

  11. Robert Fisk5:52 PM

    Also, notice that he refers to his "next post". He really does think this is his blog.

  12. He's written more about AOC on this comment thread than I have on my blog.

  13. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Twitter star!
    Politico: "Exasperated Democrats try to rein in Ocasio-Cortez." They must be secretly threatened by a strong woman, or something. It can't possibly be her insane statements and positions.

    She's a very gullible person
    Instapundit: "So it looks like AOC is either lying or being lied to."
    Tell me about the $21 jillion spent by the Pentagon again.

    Fake news
    Twitchy: "Ratio in progress: People can’t find examples of conservatives mocking the AOC dance video in Newsweek’s ‘conservatives mock’ article."
    With such high journalistic standards, I can't imagine why Newsweek was sold for a dollar.

    The bartender wants respect, you guys
    Hot Air: "How Conservative Press Coverage Feeds Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez."

    OMG you guys I was JK
    Man, she's dim. Hot Air: "Ocasio-Cortez To Trump Jr: Keep Trolling Me On Twitter And You Might Get Subpoenaed."
    Twitchy: "Uh-oh! Looks like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez might be in BIG trouble with the House Ethics Committee."
    Scratch a liberal and find a dumb tyrant.

    Why is everybody picking on AOC?
    Oh, yeah, she's an idiot. Hot Air: "WaPo: Four Pinocchios To Kickstart AOC’s Congressional Career." Not even sworn in yet.
    Extra - Twitchy: "People are wondering why Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez isn’t getting the Dan Quayle treatment."

    How to tweet like Alexandria
    Twitchy: "‘Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah’: Thread on how to tweet JUST like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez WINS Twitter."
    I've been trying to stay away from that low-hanging fruit, but she makes it just too easy.

    Osacio-Cortez doesn't understand stuff
    IJR: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Responds After Fox News Mocks Her for Not Being Able to Afford a DC Apartment." Which is the fault of the electoral system, you guys, or something.
    Alexandria is confused by the exchange of goods and services for legal tender. This is why she is correctly ridiculed when we say "just pay for it." Gosh!

  14. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Topics devoted to Ocasio-Cortez during this time (thread responses not included): 8
    Topics about things the President of the United States has said or done during this time: 8

    Those eight topics:
    *Hilariously cancelled Pelosi's flight (Jan. 17);
    *Can fund the Wall without Congress (*he can't) (Dec. 24);
    *Frantic shutdown negotiations (*partial credit) (Dec. 22);
    *Has Turned the Anti-War Left Into Passionate Neocon Warhawks and Intervention-Adventurers (*he hasn't) (Dec. 21);
    *Exasperated Mattis enough to resign (Dec. 20);
    *Likely to be indicted for technical "campaign finance violation" (Dec. 9);
    *Gets some blame for Cohen's false testimony (Dec. 7);
    *Isn't serious about balancing the budget (Nov. 26).

    No other newsworthy Trump news in two months. Nothingburgers as far as the eye can see.

  15. Anonymous2:54 AM


  16. Robert Fisk10:13 AM

    When will the Viking Pundit learn that his blog isn't for expressing his own opinions, it's for reporting what Hal Monitor thinks are newsworthy items?
