Thursday, January 17, 2019

Here's your luggage, Nancy

Ace has some photos from Nancy's cancelled junket.  It's still funny.

Tell me again how Pelosi is some kind of 4-dimension chess player and master of the Washington game.  First she suggests cancelling the State of the Union because the Secret Service can't provide security.  When that lie was exposed, she said she was uncomfortable asking security personnel to work when they weren't being paid.  Then she decided to get out of Dodge with her Secret Service detail along with all the military security that would attend a trip to Afghanistan.

Trump brilliantly exposed this hypocrisy and twisted the knife by reminding Pelosi she could fly commercially if she liked.  I'll bet Nancy hasn't flown commercial since high school back when zeppelins were still a thing.


  1. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Then, Trump brilliantly reclaimed this hypocrisy when Melania took a military plane to Mar-a-Lago. Melania might have ridden a zeppelin, but it reminds her too much of sex with Donald Trump.

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM

    The funny just got funnier. As soon as Trump cancelled Pelosi's military visit, both the Democrats and the White House realized the official excuse meant they'd also need to cancel their own staff's World Economic Forum trip to the posh & luxurious accommodations at Davos. And they have cancelled it.

    So Pelosi misses an Afghanistan war zone, while Mnuchin and Pompeo miss an exclusive Switzerland ski resort. Ha! They showed her!

  3. Trump's just helping the Democrats reduce their carbon footprint. They should be thanking him!

  4. Robert Fisk10:10 AM

    It's unconscionable that Trump would let Melania skip out on her shutdown negotiation responsibilities. The hypocrisy is blinding.
