Monday, July 16, 2018

This guy

I think it was during the election that P.J. O'Rourke said that at least Hillary was in the range of normal distribution.  What's wrong with this guy?  Power Line: "Trump plays the useful idiot in Helsinki."


  1. Anonymous10:34 PM

    What's wrong with this guy?

    The more important question is, what's wrong with Vichy Republicans?

    Will they give us the usual one day of tut-tutting and "not the words I would have chosen"? Or is this treasonous breach serious enough to warrant a second day of it?

  2. Treason, like giving pallets of cash to a sworn enemy of the US? That kind of treason?

  3. Anonymous12:25 PM

    I wish I had the wit to respond, "I can't come up with a single thing I'd dare say in defense of Trump humiliatingly sucking up to Putin instead of defending America, but this post's acknowledgement of how Republicans are getting their own folly rubbed in their faces must be countered! I know - I'll simply make a completely nonsensical statement which will at least give the impression that I don't feel the pain of my own cowardly cuckolded party going insane." But only the true comedy masters operate on that elevated level.

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Whenever something this catastrophically weak and needless and stupid and damaging happens, we all know what that means. It's Infrastructure Week again!

  5. The problem is this - the left has been over the top hysterical bitching & moaning in nearly every single thing Trump has done ('Two scoops!' being among the most asinine), so when it comes to something like this, we ignore you, because you've more than earned it.

    Grow up, then we'll talk.

  6. Anonymous4:08 PM

    How predictably predictable. The favored Trumpkateer response to anything even they can't defend is always a diversion, attacking the shrill tone of the criticism.

    They cannot do otherwise. It is weirdly impossible for their brains and motor functions to construct a pure, unadulterated criticism of Trump's worst actions. They live for the big "but." They simply can't resist the temptation to spend twice as many words telling you the REAL problem is how other people criticize Trump. It's like some OCD affliction.

  7. Anonymous4:13 PM

    How bad was the GOP's internal overnight polling, to make Trump go out there and read his hostage statement?

    How big a moron is Trump, to ad lib in the middle of the hostage statement and completely undermine the political value of the humiliating walkback?

  8. Anonymous4:27 PM

    The problem is this - the left has been over the top hysterical bitching & moaning in nearly every single thing Trump has done

    Funny you should say that. Your babbling bobo Trump keeps bitching and moaning that relations between the U.S. and Russia are "the worst they've ever been," and it's because of Robert Mueller.

    Apparently moving down one notch to the second-worst US-Russia relations ever: The World War 3 nuclear showdown in 1962.

  9. ...attacking the shrill tone of the criticism.

    Thanks for admitting the obvious and proving my point!

  10. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Roger's ten millionth victory can be filed with all the others, as #FakeNews.

    When the Trump Monkeys' response to anything on the scale of negativity is always the same, the alleged "tone" they're autoresponding to is beside the point.

    And it's absurd that they think they're good judges of tone. Why, oh why can't the stupid hysterical libtards be more civil?

  11. Sorry, I was at work until late.

    What "treasonous breach" are we talking about? Tax returns? Emoluments clause? Melania's coat? Travel ban? Two scoops of ice cream?

    Treason used to have a meaning but now I guess it's giving a bad press conference. Well, I tried to see the other side of the issue but, in true Chuck Schumer fashion, you overreach and push us deplorables back.

    Side question: how come nobody in the media ever asks Trump what has "enchanted" him most about the Presidency? Don't answer, it was rhetorical.

  12. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Russian press release:
    "The Russian Defense Ministry is ready for practical implementation of the agreements in the sphere of international security reached by Russian and U.S. Presidents Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump at their Monday’s summit in Helsinki."

    For the policy advisers, military advisers, record-keepers, and official observers:

  13. Anonymous12:11 AM

    Trump stood before the world, against the country whose Constitution he swore to protect. Trump favors the country that attacked us above his own intelligence agencies, while praising the man who authorized the attack. Trump is fully aware of the truth; the New York Times reported tonight about the extensive body of direct evidence Trump was shown before his own inauguration day.

    That's more malicious and weak than anything that GOP all-purpose metaphor Neville Chamberlain ever did.

    Scoops of ice cream though, tee hee! Liberals are so unserious! Just duck your head, keep chanting gorsuchkavanaughgorsuchkavanaugh, and remember where you put your patriotism and principles so you can find them again later.

  14. Anonymous9:31 AM

    The left's histrionic obsession and 24/7 outrage over Trump and Russia is boring people to death:

    "Gallup recently did a poll of what Americans say is the most important problem facing the country. One finding: the percentage of Americans saying “Situation with Russia” is the most important problem is literally too small to represent with a number."

    They, as always, will be the last to learn about that.

  15. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Half (49%) of Americans agree with former intelligence officials’ assessments that President Trump acted “treasonous” during the Helsinki summit, and just a quarter (27%) disagree.

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    That's not a characterization of the poll, BTW, that's the exact wording of the poll.

    "President Trump's behavior towards Russian President Putin has been described by former members of the U.S. Intelligence Community as 'treasonous.' Do you agree or disagree with that assessment?"

    Strongly agree - 34%
    Somewhat agree - 14%
    Neither agree nor disagree - 12%
    Somewhat disagree - 10%
    Strongly disagree - 17%

  17. Anonymous9:42 PM

    Now all you have to do is to get people to care about it. It's those entry-level poll milestones, like getting to a number above "*", that require the heaviest lifting. Set your sights first on getting 1% of the people to care, and it will probably get easier after that.

    If I could make a suggestion - one thing that might help you is if you can get the U.S. news media to, perhaps, spend more time covering stories related to Trump-Russia. Bring the late-night comics in on it too. With more coverage, people are bound to see it as more important. Or, maybe the coverage to this point has been too deferential to the President - make it tougher! It's worth a shot, anyway.

  18. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Also, leading questions, like the one you cited in the Ipsos poll, which let respondents know exactly what answer they are supposed to give, can be invaluable in getting yourself to the results you want. You can do it! Good luck!

  19. Anonymous10:12 PM

    ...Permit me to even offer a proposed question for you to get Gallup to use in the future to increase the number of people who care about Trump-Russia:

    "Thoughtful and prominent Americans of all political persuasions care deeply about the collusion between the Trump campaign and Vladimir Putin, a Russian from Russia, and they care even more thoughtfully, prominently, and deeply about Trump's treason continuing non-stop. Do you care about it also, or do you not care?"

    Using that question alone will probably shoot you all the way up to 2%.

  20. Anonymous1:41 AM

    You spent over half an hour writing that shit?

  21. Anonymous9:11 AM

    The muse kept returning at intervals, I don't control these things.
