Sunday, July 15, 2018

The 2020 lineup

Althouse: "In "Warren is Preparing for 2020. So Are Biden, Booker, Harris and Sanders," the NYT seems bent on boosting optimism for Democrats."

The NY Times cheerleading Democrats?  Say it ain't so!  There is no way Trump could be so lucky to face any of these people.


  1. If the economy continues on its present course, none of these people have a prayer in hell. By the time the primaries roll around, Biden will be 77 years old, Sanders will be 78 and Pochaontas will be 71. While it doesn't seem to matter anymore, the latter two are rabid socialists whom in previous years would have been laughed off the stage. Note only how well Obama concealed his socialism in 2008 and how open the muppet twins are theirs now. And, let's face it - as Trump's performance further demonstrate the folly of the prior administration's quasi-socialistic 'fundamental transformation' of the US, it will be a long, long time before another African-American wins the big chair again, if they even get nominated in the first place.

  2. It would be sheer insanity to nominate any of these. The Democrats need to find a governor from a midwest state, IMO.

  3. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I don't see another Bill Clinton coming to save the Democrats. Because there isn't one, and even if there was the radical crazies won't allow it.

  4. Gallup Gadot2:53 PM

    It's always fun to yap, but...

    These were the six leading candidates for their parties' last six open presidential nominations, according to several polls taken 2-3 years before the elections:

    2004: Wesley Clark

    2008: Hillary Clinton vs. Rudy Giuliani

    2012: Sarah Palin

    2016: Hillary Clinton vs. Chris Christie

    Those are some compelling results. 1-for-6. But pre-pre-pre-election polls are usually about this accurate. At least they got Hillary right, eventually.
