Saturday, July 14, 2018

Yes, we'll vote no

PJ Media: "Dems Who Introduced 'Abolish ICE' Bill Now Say They'll Vote Against It."  Apparently it wasn't legislation at all, it was a "conversation starter."


  1. Anonymous11:44 PM

    What did Dems think their bill was, anyway... Romneycare? McCain-Feingold?

  2. Robert Fisk9:52 AM

    The above comment, translated:

    "I can't come up with a single thing I'd dare say in defense of Democrats running for the hills instead of voting for their own bill, but this post's acknowledgement of how they are getting their own folly rubbed in their faces must be countered! I know - I'll simply make a completely nonsensical statement which will at least give the impression that I don't feel the pain of my own cowardly party going insane."

  3. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Poor credulous Roger. He had no complaint with his party’s recent presidential candidates disavowing high-profile laws named after them, but thinks it’s politically devastating for Democrats to cut loose a bill pushed for five minutes by their party’s foremost superstars: Mark Pocan, Pramila Jayapal and Adriano Espaillat. It’s not.

    The distinction is something he doesn’t address while imagineering some more of his sparkling Moe the Bartender dialogue about being unable to address things: “This is you: I'm a stupid moron with an ugly face and a big butt and my butt smells and I like to kiss my own butt." Apparently Roger's going to keep right on workshopping that formulaic retort until he gets it right.

    Speaking as Br'er Libtard about the political ICE trap, I begs the GOP House leaduhship, whatevah yo does, Suhs, please oh PLEASE dasn’t throw the Dems into that thar briar vote!

  4. Robert Fisk8:38 PM

    My, we get a bit testy when accurately depicted, don't we?

    And the idea that Feingold adapting to the Citizens United ruling, and Romney opposing Obamacare, are of the same cloth as those Democrats formally introducing a bill and then refusing to vote for it... well, I can't decide whether that's more desperate than laughable, or vice-versa.

  5. Anonymous10:02 PM

    AH HA HA HA HA, you poor dumb fuck.

    House GOP reverses, cancels vote on Dem bill to abolish ICE

    After being told of the GOP’s change of course, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Monday the idea was silly to begin with.

    In a surprising reversal, House GOP leaders have scrapped a floor vote on a Democratic measure calling for the abolishment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

    GOP leaders thought Democrats in swing districts would be reluctant to criticize the federal agency responsible for fighting human and drug trafficking and border enforcement. But Democrats responded by vowing to vote “no” and dismissed it as an election year show vote.

    “They never should have brought it up in the first place,” Pelosi told The Hill. “I don’t know what they’re doing. They keep changing their minds.”

  6. Robert Fisk7:35 AM

    But Democrats responded by vowing to vote “no”...

    You can't win for losing.

  7. Anonymous12:28 PM

    There, there. It's not the first time your House leadership has gotten your hopes up, and then cut your balls off.

    But it might be the last. Midterms are coming.

  8. Robert Fisk2:32 PM

    No, it's you who I allowed to foolishly get my hopes up, that you could provide a substantive, rational defense of Democrats vowing to vote “no” on a bill they themselves proposed and which reflected their fervent goal.

    You were not up to the task.

  9. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Oh, the folly! Oh, the face-rubbing! It would have been glorious! (Except it wouldn't have.)

    Maybe the GOP House leadership didn't yank your pants down and leave you sore. Maybe they just "misspoke," and really meant to say they wouldn't hold a prank vote.

  10. Robert Fisk6:42 PM

    No, actually I think it was the Democrats who misspoke. They meant to say:

    "The American people deserve to see an up or down vote on the Establishing a Humane Immigration Enforcement System Act, a bill we carefully crafted, which will eliminate the terrorist organization called ICE and set up a commission to come up with a 'human [sic] immigration system that upholds the dignity of all individuals.'"

    But it somehow came out as:

    "A vote on this bill would be a show vote. We vow to vote NO, and thwart this Republican attempt to portray us as the party that wants a human immigration system that upholds the dignity of all individuals."

    Just between you and me, I don't blame you for not being up to the task of defending that!

  11. HA HA HA HA HA HA7:11 PM

    Don't be a dumb fuck all your life, Roger. You must have heard of the concept "calling a bluff."

    The Dems did it, and the GOP folded. The game's over, and you're still trying to raise.

    Politico explained why Paul Ryan had to stomp on Kevin McCarthy's public promises: Ryan (R-Wis.) was concerned about a third option: that Democrats wouldn't vote at all, or uniformly oppose it, making Republicans look silly. ...“It became obvious it would backfire and take away rather than advance the issue,” said one GOP source allied with Ryan on this matter.

    Additionally, scheduling a prank vote could have allowed several Democrats in tight House races to shut their opponents down by going on the record with a "no" vote, just like the "I won't support Pelosi for Speaker" Dem candidates who've won their special elections.

    And the Dems, having already decided to ditch the bill, had also publicly promised to make the debate a referendum on kidnapping children and putting them in cages. Thus the GOP's own prank vote would have hampered them just before the midterm election.

    The GOP walked right into all of that; Dems had no power to make any of it happen. Be happy that your side was only dumb enough to loudly threaten the vote, but not so dumb as to actually hold it. Best of all, the conservative wing of the House is pissed off at being embarrassed like this, just like you and other supporters: Multiple conservative members were balking on the floor late Monday at the sudden change of plans. (Politico) Oh well, they'll just have to suck it up, like you and other supporters.

    Rep. Willy Wonka (D-Candyland) summed up the Republican effort: "You get NOTHING. You LOSE. Good DAY, sir!"

  12. Robert Fisk9:14 PM

    Don't worry, the Dems will get their chance to "debate a referendum on kidnapping children and putting them in cages." A replacement Republican bill that expresses support for ICE terrorists will be voted on instead, it turns out.

    Want to put any money down on whether the Dems will vow to vote No on that bill?


    Don't worry, the Dems will get their chance

    I'm plainly NOT worried, you idiot. And neither are the House Democrats, who just bitch-slapped Kevin McCarthy's master plan into oblivion. Can you read?

    But I love your optimism. "We're gonna do a much WORSER bill, you'll see!"

    Rightwing glee over the ingenious replacement ICE vote must be why, as you've ignored once, "Multiple conservative members were balking on the floor late Monday at the sudden change of plans." (Thanks for what you thought was a breaking news update, but the "Check yes if you love ICE" bill was discussed in the very same Politico article containing the previous quote.)

    I don't see any way that the Dems could conceivably survive this Machiavellian twist. But Politico does. "Ryan (R-Wis.) was concerned about a third option: that Democrats wouldn't vote at all... making Republicans look silly." I don't know, though... that countermove was soooo last Monday.

  14. Robert Fisk6:21 AM

    Awwwww, what happened to your Great Victory, Mr. AH HA HA HA HA?

    Aside from you being unable to comprehend your Politico-provided talking points (the "Democrats not voting" option pertained to their Abolish ICE bill, not the new one), you're left sputtering that "multiple conservatives" don't like the change in plans.

    The "tears of laughter"-inducing spectacle of the Democrats vowing to vote "NO!" on their own proud Abolish ICE bill, only to then turn around and scramble to vote "YES" (as we'll see) on a Republican bill that praises and supports the same organization, is truly one for the ages.

    Let this be an object lesson for the Democrats, and for you, about not idiotically blundering into no-win situations.


    "As we'll see." Right-As-Always Roger strikes again.

    Democrats: 18 YES; 34 NO; 133 PRESENT (and 8 not voting)

    This after Pelosi told all 193 Democratic Congressmen to go ahead and vote yes if they felt they needed to for political cover.

    One for the ages is 0-for-2. The only bigger waste of time than being a bad faith troll is being a bad faith troll.

  16. AH HA HA HA HA (cont.)4:19 PM

    ...who loses.

  17. H H H H H H for short4:21 PM

    Aside from you being unable to comprehend your Politico-provided talking points (the "Democrats not voting" option pertained to their Abolish ICE bill, not the new one)

    Oops! Someone forgot to tell 141 Democrats.

  18. Robert Fisk6:36 PM

    I would definitely call 18 Democrats scrambling to vote "Yes" a victory for the GOP. Remember - this was the bill specifically designed to be a mockery of the "Abolish ICE" bill. Talk about an in-your-face power move! Every one of those "Yes" votes removed a pound of flesh from the party.

    What courage the rest of the Dems showed on this vote - almost as impressive as the boldness they showed in [not] backing their own bill. Those 133 "present", those will leave a mark on the nation's conscience!

  19. Sighing more than laughing8:05 PM

    Oh my God. You've lost. There's literally nothing you can say to make your loss a win, Roger.

    You've been wrong at literally every step, preemptively cheering a devastating comeuppance that never came.


    Strangely, the “Hooray for ICE!” GOP victory vote still isn’t among the 73 headlines on the conservative-leaning Drudge Report. At least 15 of Drudge's news headlines were added in the past half-hour.

    According to Drudge, the GOP victory isn’t quite as notable a story as Lena Dunham’s tweet about french kissing animals, somebody who stole 21 skulls, a photo of NBA star Stephan Curry with a bar of soap in his mouth, or whether bacon is bad for mental health. But once the epic momentum and tears of laughter from the in-your-face power move start rolling nationwide, the ICE vote will surely dominate national news coverage.


    Every one of those "Yes" votes removed a pound of flesh from the party.

    Because... they just HAD to! Please? Hey, whatever it takes to get you hard. I can't hate on a lonely masturbator.

    Those 133 "present", those will leave a mark on the nation's conscience!

    Those votes won't leave a mark anywhere at all, you goofball. The Democrats neutered both of the GOP's un-scary prank votes in no time at all. WHICH IS WHY YOUR PARTY LOST.

    And IT DOESN'T MATTER. No one was politically damaged. This fruitless parliamentary stunt won't nudge a single midterm race in either direction. Your illustrious "spectacle" "for the ages" simply didn't happen. All of your predictions were wrong, and your efforts to somehow save face have made the leap from funny to sad. Have some self-respect and stop.

    Trust me on this, Roger. I'm the one who's been right.

  20. Robert Fisk8:30 AM

    You're down to no legs and only one arm, yet still the plaintive cries of "I Won!", lol.

    And I've changed my mind - please don't learn to stop idiotically blundering into no-win situations for you. It's too much fin when you do!

  21. All HA'd out4:48 PM

    The House Democrats didn't defeat the Republicans. The House Republicans didn't defeat the Democrats, either. I slaughtered you, but that also amounts to nothing.

    As you imagine yourself as Arthur, True King of the Britons, and imagine the Black Knight scene to be an original analogy you just wittily thought up, let us look fondly back at your splendid record of being right about the ICE vote all along:

    Democrats are getting their own folly rubbed in their faces
    (*by the vote that was cancelled less than 1 hour after your gleeful post, when Ryan & Co. realized it would backfire)

    [Flip-flopping on the federal McCain-Feingold law and the state law Romneycare are insignificant, compared with a proposed House bill of less than one week's duration]
    (*You ignored the relative political status of the laws'/bill's respective authors, which was definitely for the best.)

    [Abolishing ICE is the Democratic Party's] "fervent goal."

    [Now there's a] replacement Republican bill that expresses support for ICE. ...Want to put any money down on whether the Dems will vow to vote No on that bill?

    The "Democrats not voting" option pertained to their Abolish ICE bill, not the new one
    (*The game had changed! Too bad your confident assertion was shredded later that afternoon)

    The "tears of laughter"-inducing spectacle of the Democrats vowing to vote "NO!" on their own proud Abolish ICE bill, only to then turn around and scramble to vote "YES" (as we'll see) on a Republican bill
    (*shrewd and correct as always, Roger)

    [On the face-saving sloppy seconds vote that devastated the Democrats, yet still hasn't made it onto the Drudge Report:] Talk about an in-your-face power move! Every one of those "Yes" votes removed a pound of flesh from the party.


    Even an imaginary pound of flesh would be an improvement on your brain, Roger.

    But thank you for providing days of unexpected entertainment value for an otherwise boring and insignificant non-event.

  22. Robert Fisk6:11 PM

    Well I've certainly been made to feel like a very important pundit. One can only imagine the energy and purpose that goes into any one of your unsuccessful attempts to rebut little ole me.

    I appreciate the fact that I barely have to move my finger, and you're off for another 2 hour research project and fervent writing session. Maybe my call to be a Fox News talking head or NR columnist isn't far off!
