Tuesday, July 17, 2018

She's a bit of an airhead

Hot Air: "Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is The Best Thing To Happen To The GOP All Year." Keep moving to the Left, Dems.  Feel the Bern.

Extra - Joe Lieberman said that? WSJ: "Vote Joe Crowley"
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surprise primary victory over Rep. Joe Crowley seems likely to hurt Congress, America and the Democratic Party. It doesn’t have to.
Wow.  It sounds like a lot of Democrats are already tired of her schtick.


  1. Anonymous12:43 AM

    Ocasio-Cortez? And whatever Joe Lieberman thinks? (I'll take your word for it that Joe Lieberman is still alive.)

    Yeah, that was the big news going on in U.S. politics today. Good choice for the blog.

  2. Anonymous9:14 AM

    I tremble that Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is the officially-declared Future of the Democrat Party.

  3. Robert Fisk10:23 AM

    First comment, translated:

    "I can't come up with a single thing I'd dare say that refutes the idea that Ocasio-Cortez is the best thing to happen to the GOP, but this post's attack on the shining star of the Democrats must be countered! I know - I'll simply ridicule the idea that she is a prominent figure or that anything about her is worth putting in print. Of course, I won't say anything about her utter obscurity to The Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, or any other outlet in the firmament of liberal propaganda - they wouldn't understand my brilliant tactic!"

  4. Anonymous5:17 PM


  5. "Write about the stuff I want! Like Trump, the treasonous traitor." - that guy

  6. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Pick whatever Trump-less stories you need to right now. People deal with pain and grief in all sorts of ways, even Republicans.

  7. Pick whatever Trump-less stories you need to right now. People deal with pain and grief in all sorts of ways, even Republicans.

    I heard a rumor that Trump had sex with a porn star - discuss.

  8. Robert Fisk11:52 AM

    Pick whatever Trump-less stories you need to right now.

    Oh, so you've changed you mind and it is okay to reference stories about Ocasio-Cortez - cool!

    Say, how about we discuss that plunging unemployment rate caused by all those people holding down two jobs? I didn't know that before. But then, I don't hold a degree in Economics, like Alexandria.

    I want to join the Ocasio-Cortez army! Do I get a choice of occupying my local airport, or Palestine? Because if the campaign will pay for my airline ticket I'm up for it! Oh wait - with the airports occupied, there are no flights anyway, so scratch that, at least until we've gotten our demands. Then it's "Palestine, here I come!"

  9. Anonymous3:54 PM

    In July 2018, all the serious, honest thinkers are too busy analyzing Rep. Alexandria Speck-in-Thy-Brother's-Eye to concern themselves at this time with President Donald Beam-in-Thine-Own-Eye.

  10. Robert Fisk6:32 PM

    "My purpose in life right now is to be obsessed with Donald Trump, so no one is allowed to have any fun until Robert Mueller and his 75 blank subpoenas replace him with President Hillary Clinton."

  11. Robert Fisk6:46 PM

    In July 2018, all the serious, honest thinkers are too busy analyzing Rep. Alexandria Speck-in-Thy-Brother's-Eye to concern themselves at this time with President Donald Beam-in-Thine-Own-Eye.

    By the way, you need once again to get that message to the serious, honest thinkers at the DNC, The Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, etc. I've heard some of them have openings for a Hall Monitor!

  12. Anonymous9:07 PM

    I think the DNC, The Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, CNN, MSNBC, etc. might ALSO be covering the treason tour. They even publish updates from the plastic straw beat.

    Have fun hosting President Putin stateside, a couple of weeks before the midterms!

  13. Robert Fisk9:11 AM

    "Those organizations get a pass because at heart they share my obsession with Trump. They are allowed to also report on other things as long as their Trump hatred doesn't flag.

    "Also, Putin will save us!"

  14. Anonymous1:50 PM

    You ineptly brought them all up as a "gotcha," melonhead. Conservative media like Fox News, Drudge Report, the Wall St Journal, the NY Post, Federalist, National Review, Weekly Standard, etc are ALSO heavily covering Trump's treason tour, in addition to Ocasio-Cortez. That's why the sudden, disproportionate focus on Scary Socialist Scourge here was amusing.

  15. Robert Fisk8:53 PM

    Hall Monitor: "If this blog can't keep up with the other Conservative press in focusing on Trump's treasonous treasonings, then a post daring to ridicule the Democrat's New Hope is hereby declared "disproportionate" by me! I expect to see three posts decrying the traiterously traiting Trump by end of day tomorrow, or I will go directly to the Principal's office. Good DAY, Sir!"

  16. Anonymous1:42 AM


