Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Fire up the Resist! machine

Hot Air: "Chris Matthews On SCOTUS Vacancy: ‘This Is The Time For Vengeance’"  The man has a plan and here it is:
Matthews is so worked up over this he started yelling at an MSNBC host who was only trying to ask him what “tool” or mechanism Democrats could use to prevent a confirmation vote. When pressed, Matthews snapped “I’m not a parliamentarian.”
Maybe he can hide the keys to the voting machine.


  1. A Kennedy11:04 AM

    My goodness, how their heads can explode! Such vivid evidence of the left's righteousness.

    It is becoming clearer and clearer that the Democrat party is Maxine's party now - everyone else is just carrying her Waters.

  2. How much Jack Daniels was he drinking before this clip? That shit make you lose it, big time!
