Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I liked the part where they called FDR a racist

So the Supreme Court upheld Trump's travel ban today.  In the process, they made sure to remind everyone that Franklin Delano Roosevelt rounded up American citizens based on their race.  Bonus!

I've given up on Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who lives in some kind of "resist" reverie, along with the wise latina Sotomayor (the only two, it should be noted, that voted to make that guy bake the cake.)  But the other liberal justices basically argued that the plain language of the law can be negated if we think we know what's in the heart of the President.  Presumably, the Justices knew that FDR had a heart of gold when he - with great regret, I'm sure! - had to imprison those Japanese-Americans.

Extra - Powerline: "The four Democrats on the Supreme Court often disagree among themselves. However, in all cases that are viewed as both political and important, they vote as a bloc. I assume they don’t take an oath to the DNC when they are nominated, but their lockstep acquiescence in the party line in high-profile cases is undeniable."  He also notes that their opinion is, basically, Presidential powers exist for all Presidents except Trump.

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