Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Here's the guy who caused this mess

For the Democrats.  Hey, Harry Reid, now that you've nuked the filibuster for federal judges, are you worried the Republicans might do the same for Supreme Court nominees?

It's almost like elections have consequences, or something.

Extra - Hot Air: "If Schumer Hadn’t Insisted On Filibustering Gorsuch He’d Be In A Much Better Position Now."


  1. Eric - who's the new incoherent asshole on the block?

  2. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Worried about your job security?

  3. Anonymous12:44 AM

    Unless Roger is Ruth Ginsburg's personal physician, I doubt he has much to worry about.

  4. Anonymous12:41 PM

    That is one genius premise from Hot Air: "If Mitch McConnell hadn't abolished the filibuster to push through Gorsuch, then the rule would still be around for Democrats to use and for McConnell to abolish this time. YOU BLEW IT, DEMOCRATS."

  5. Phillip Egbert Buster3:39 PM

    A filibuster that's only available so long as you don't use it is entirely fictitious.
