Monday, December 08, 2008

Peace prize winner says "Kill Mugabe"

So it's come to this. Even Archbishop Desmond Tutu is urging drastic action to save Zimbabwe from dictator Robert Mugabe. From Opinion Journal: "In the land of cholera Africans finally turn against Comrade Bob."

The situation has become so dire that Mr. Tutu, the Nobel Peace laureate and former Anglican archbishop of Cape Town, told a Dutch TV station Thursday that African leaders cannot stand by any longer. "If they say to [Mugabe], step down, and he refuses, they must go in . . . militarily," Mr. Tutu said.
Given the lengths – and depths – that Robert Mugabe has gone to hold on to power, it's hard to believe he'll go down without a fight that will lead to more bloodshed. Bishop Tutu's position illustrates how desperate things have gotten in southern Africa.


  1. Although I did not support Obama, I would be happy if he came out and demanded that Mugabe go into exile or we would send him there. The Bush-haters would all of a sudden be all for desposing a dictator and the guys like me would support it as well. Obama can use the "in the tank" media for good for once.

  2. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Oh, hush, you delusional goofus.
