Monday, December 08, 2008

Is it over yet in Minnesota? - Well, Hot Air is reporting that they're calling off the search for 133 mythical ballots so it's about over for Al Franken's bid to overturn Norm Coleman's win. After millions of re-counted ballots, Coleman's 238-vote margin is pretty close to the margin on election night.


  1. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hot Air might be "reporting" that the votes don't exist and never did, but Hot Air's attached Minneapolis Star Tribune link sure doesn't.

    Neither does, which trounced the field in election analysis accuracy in 2008:

    Also, 238 > 133. And yet, somehow, the election has not been called. It's going to be a whisper-thin vote either way. The GOP's foot-stomping insistence that the election just end, right this very minute, must be more of that grown-up leadership we hear so much about. (Has Dino Rossi conceded yet?)

  2. Well, from what I understand, the 133 votes "exist" in the sense that the district counting them told the Sec. of State they "think" they counted them twice. In which case, I don't get how they're missing.

    Has the Coleman campaign asked for the counting to stop? Hmmmm.

    Nevertheless, I love Franken's camp declaring - through mathamagics - that he's ahead by four votes. If that were true, you can guess who'd be screaming to freeze the count.

  3. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Has the Coleman campaign asked for the counting to stop? Hmmmm.

    As a matter of fact, yes. More than once. Including its original anti-recount advocacy that would have flouted Minnesota law. The Coleman campaign currently doesn't want counting of improperly relected absentee ballots to START, never mind stop.

    This is another Minnesota news article. Again, it's a local report (as opposed to a rah-rah-Go-Team-Ours political blog) that somehow fails to include the part about the missing ballots not existing:

    The article discusses the search, which turned up 20 absentee ballots that hadn't been tallied at all. Those votes didn't exist on November 4.

    It also explains how the disputed 133 votes may still be in play, even if the physical ballots are never found. And that's the Achilles heel in any assertion of "mythology."

  4. Anonymous9:16 PM

    OK, I think I see how the 133 = 46 for Franken argument goes, even though I couldn't open the link you copied. (It goes to some "secure" site?)

    Still, isn't the point of a recount to count the physical ballots? My "mythical" description is not far off even though I failed to take a vow of objectivity on my "rah-rah" blog.

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    A copy and paste worked for me. Or search "Senate recount ends amid many questions" by Rachel E. Stassen-Berger and Dave Orrick of the St. Paul Pioneer Press.

  6. Anonymous2:01 PM

    How, exactly are the GOP's at fault here? The AlFranken team brought in the same magician from the state of Washington that can make votes appear out of thin air. They have consistently denied GOP votes while seeking out absentees who they know are either from Democratic districts or that traditionally vote Dem, they refuse to concede, they knowingly counted 440 "found" votes in a Dem operatives car trunk..and some Moonbat still is blaming the GOP for dirty play?

  7. Anonymous2:45 PM

    And yet, the bipartisan Minnesota canvassing board has voted - unanimously - to include the 133 ballots.

    Four envelopes exist for the precinct, and are labelled "2 of 5," "3 of 5," '4 of 5," and "5 of 5." The fifth contains the already-counted 133 ballots. But only a raving partisan moonbat could think that the envelope ever existed at all, let alone what might be written on the outside of it. It's a trick! Curse that dirty Democratic "magic"!

    The bipartisan Minnesota canvassing board has also voted - again, unanimously - that all absentee ballots which had been invalidated by clerical error should be counted. By court order if necessary.
