Sunday, December 07, 2008

Amazing Race update – Sprint for the finish

Another season, another finale and I can't help but wonder what the future holds for the six-time Emmy winner "The Amazing Race." I'm always worried that the ratings have slumped and CBS will pull the plug but, if this report is to be believed, TAR is all ready for another season (and soon!):

"The Amazing Race" rarely hosts a spring season. However, this fall's edition featured so many quirky characters and outrageous challenges that the ratings went through the roof.
The show really lived up to all of its Emmys, so the "The Amazing Race" will air a special spring edition starting Feb. 15.
I'm as elevated as Phil's eyebrow.

Well tonight was the season finale for TAR 13 and the final three teams – Nick & Starr, Andrew & Dan, and Ken & Tina – started out from Moscow on the final leg. Team Perky headed out first to the final destination: Portland, Oregon. It looks like everybody is taking the same Lufthansa flight to the U.S. via Frankfurt. Flying arrows! I can't believe Frankfurt to Portland is a direct flight (although once I took a looong flight from Chicago to Paris).

All teams are now heading to a lumberjack camp and the Detour: High & Dry or Low & Wet. Teams must climb trees and swing across like a lumberjack, or walk across a log bridge to get the next clue. Team Infidelity and Team Perky are neck-in-neck climbing trees while Team Bluto has a bad taxi driver and falls behind again. It's possible that these teams may hit a penalty. Nick did not jump to the trapeze to get the next clue while Tina removed her helmet briefly to incur a safety violation (maybe). Both teams are heading to a zip line at the Bridge of the Gods.

Ken & Tina arrive at the bridge ahead of Nick & Starr. They do the zip line and then we get the final challenge: teams must match up pictures from this season of the Race from pictures in 150 clue boxes. For example, if there's a roadblock symbol for leg #3, they need to find a picture from the wrestling roadblock in La Paz. Team Infidelity and Team Perky appear to be very close on this challenge; the Frat Boys are nowhere. Nick & Starr finish first and head off to the next clue in the parking lot.

Teams must now head to the Portland Building and find a green dinosaur and the next clue. The taxi drivers to Portland are driving a little recklessly. Ken & Tina get caught in traffic while Nick & Starr get the next clue. This directs teams to find a food cart from a "country of your last Pit Stop" meaning Russia. Team Perky gets there first and this clue sends them to the place where "magic is in the hole." They ask a local who sends them to Voodoo Doughnuts.

(In the background, I see a gas station with a price of $3.91 for regular unleaded.)

At the doughnut shop, this clue directs teams to the Pit Stop, their final destination, and the million-dollar prize. Essentially it comes down to whether Nick & Starr or Ken & Tina can get a taxi first. With creative editing, it looks like they both get a cab at the same time. As the eliminated teams cheer on it's...

...Nick & Starr first to the mat to win the Amazing Race (no penalties.) They were clearly the dominant team throughout this season and their win is well-deserved. Ken & Tina finish second but they tearfully reconcile their marriage as Ken takes out their wedding rings. Andrew & Dan show up later with the sun lower in the sky.

Final standings:

Team Perky – Nick & Starr – Winners of Amazing Race 13
Team Infidelity – Ken & Tina
Team Bluto – Andrew & Dan

Post-note – My wife noticed that Toni & Dallas, who lost their passports last week, were not among the previous teams greeting the winners at the mat.

See you in February!


  1. Wow, thanks robo-poster!

  2. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Funny you mentioned the long plane flight from Frankfurt to Portland. Whenever I go to anywhere in Europe or Asia, I normally fly from DC to Frankfurt first before going to the final destination. That flight is usually 8-9 hours by itself. A flight from Frankfurt to Portland has to be at least 12 hours!

    We also noticed Toni and Dallas were missing on the final mat. I did find an online interview with both after the show (which I can't seem to find now) where Toni said it took a few days to get out of Russia and they did indeed miss the finale.
