Friday, April 06, 2007

The taxman cometh

How much does it cost us to navigate our taxes? From USA Today blog:

This year, individuals and companies will spend about $300 billion, according to the non-partisan Tax Foundation, on tax preparation costs. To put that in perspective, that is a 20% levy on top of the $1.5 trillion they will actually pay in taxes.
Adding insult to injury, as it were. Here's a funny story (that I may have told before): a couple years ago, I had some tricky tax calculations to make in part because I live in Western Massachusetts but work in Connecticut. So I went to an H&R Block one afternoon with my typical ripped-out jeans and a ratty sweatshirt to see how much it would cost to get my federal and two state tax returns done. The figure quoted was more than a $100 (I think it was $120) and I just held my hand out for my receipts and said: "Give 'em back."

But then the woman followed me to the door and said in a whisper: "We have special rates for low-income filers." Whoops! I really should get some better clothes.

(Hat tip to Willisms)

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