Friday, April 06, 2007

The fever swamp - From Gateway Pundit: "Daily Kos Posts Ghastly Anti-Semitic Screed Complete With Cartoons"

Reading Kos or listening to Air America is like drinking hatred from a firehose. Infected with profanity, there's never anything approaching a constructive dialogue over at the Left's most popular blog. Shine on, Kos Kidz, shine on.

More - From LGF: "The protocols of the Daily Kos"


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Good grief! You're still weeping over profanity? Thank God my father was killed during the glorious liberation of Grenada, and didn't have to read this wishy-washy, icky-sticky, namby-pamby snivelling.

  2. Let me put it this way: you know somebody who never shuts up about sex or makes a sexual reference to everything that is longer than it is wide. ("That's what she said!") It's because they're not getting any, and it's a convenient subterfuge.

    People who try to argue a point with profanity are trying to cover up the fact that the logic is shaky by making an appeal to emotion. Know what I'm talkin' about? Fuck yeah, you do!

  3. Anonymous9:05 AM

    This is the vilest site on the internet! Stop it, you monsters!
