Saturday, October 28, 2006

Osama’s dead again

Analysis from Canada’s Globe and Mail:

Sporting his thick, greying beard, a black turban and metal-rimmed glasses, it was the seventh video that Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda founder and right-hand jihadist to Osama bin Laden, has recorded since June, a period during which Mr. bin Laden has made no public statements at all.

That, experts and acquaintances say, likely means something's gone awry inside al-Qaeda. Some speculate the world's second-most wanted man, a pioneer in the use of suicide bombings and martyr videos, has become the group's new No. 1.
And then there’s this not-dead guy: “Last Wednesday, Cuban dictator Fidel Castro may have slipped into a coma.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Give up already. Fidel will outlive you, me, Dick Clark, and Tony Bennett.
