Saturday, October 28, 2006

How much closer can this get? – It’s going to be a long election night. Rassmussen reports that Tom Kean Jr. has edged into a 2-point lead in the New Jersey Senate race. Kean 43% - Menendez 41%. The rolling average in this race is a coin flip.

Also, Charlie Cook has moved the Maryland Senate race from “leans Democrat” to “toss-up.” So there are two tight races in Democratic leaning states; I’d say the Republican candidates are going to have to pad those leads to overcome the built-in voter base.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    And so, it's come to this.

    In December 2004: rampant blogtalk that the undefeatable Bush was positioned to upend American political history, with an unprecedented 6th-year midterm bonanza. Because every indicator, every demographic, every trend was leading to an all-red nation (with puny blue coastal lines), for at least another generation of electoral dominance.

    In October 2006: Pick out one 50/50 race, and start rubbing rosary beads.

    "WHOOOOO!!! We held Tennessee!"
