Sunday, October 29, 2006

Speling skilz not needed at Fox – Apparently the concillation of “Studio 60” is iminent.

At least they’re right about this: “Sorkin and friends will argue that NBC has done something wrong, or that the audience isn’t smart enough.” Fer sure.


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    The audience is smart enough to watch CSI Miami, which is full of eye candy and red state values. Last week's episode involved a story line about the Kelo decision, and a character referred to "our governor" when talking about legislation to protect private property. Plus, the whole death penalty enthusiam when a murderer is caught.

    Sorkin just sucks.

  2. Anonymous5:12 PM

    The West Wing was on the air for seven seasons, despite the suckiness of Aaron Sorkin. Presumably because of its weekly death penalty enthusiasm and red state values. And the eye candy that was Martin Sheen... rrrowwww!!!

    But one thing is for sure: red America and the Nielsen ratings will always punish lefty-friendly shows with agendas. Like ER, Oprah, Will & Grace, 60 Minutes, Seinfeld, Simpsons... and next season, CSI: Berkeley.

    (When it comes to expert media analysis, stick to pushing your clicker.)

  3. Anonymous1:36 AM

    It's always fun, though, to be called an abject moron by a TV show. I read the recaps on the Television without Pity website and even some there who are liberal and loved The West Wing have been offended by Sorkin and his apparent settling of scores within the show.

    Sad thing is, I actually watch and tend to think it has potential. A TV show set behind the scenes of another TV show seems to be very rich with possibility. The problem seems that Sorkin approached it with the same angle that he did West Wing.

    Funny that a show like Heros, which is campy and fun, is killing it in ratings. Even a show like Jericho, with a depressing topic and, at best, marginal writing, is doing better.
