Thursday, September 21, 2006

What, us govern? – “Democrats sit out debate on terrorism suspects

It’s probably best to leave that to the adults.


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    "The adults"... riiiight.

    Like the mature grownup George "Give me everything I want or I'm taking my interrogations and going home" Bush.

  2. Riiiiiiiiight. Bush didn't negotiate with the Senate for a bill. He took his "interrogations and (went)home."

    I wonder if it ever bothers Lefties with BDS to be so consistently, stupidly wrong.

    Not that I expect Lefties to understand anything at all about negotiating or bargaining or like that. They believe that they should *always* get whatever they want because they're right, and they think 'bargaining' is that selling out crap that the UN does.

    Maroons. Ultra-maroons.

  3. Anonymous8:58 AM

    George W. did make a deal with the Senate Republicans. They agreed to give him everything he wanted. He agreed to let them claim victory in the compromise.

    Strategery, man. Strategery.
