Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The ACLU stands for voter fraud – How else to explain its opposition to the Voter Integrity Act which asks voters to present the same identification required to purchase beer or cash a check? The spurious “poll tax” argument is belied by the fact that the current bill before Congress provides for free government-issued identification. Digger’s Realm sums it up: “The only reason someone would be against a bill like this is if they actually want voter fraud to continue.”


  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    1, 2, 3, Diebold! Whoooo-ee, ha, ha!

    Oh, wait, you mean the bad voter fraud. That must be looked into, immediately.

  2. What I love is when the ACLU argues that it has a disparate impact on minorities. They treat minorities as if they are too stupid to get an ID, yet no one says anything about it.

  3. Anonymous1:30 AM

    But not the Florida future-felons who travelled back through time to (try to) cast fraudulent votes in 2000. Those minorities were smarter than anyone!

  4. So. Got even one example of someone from the original 'felon list' in Florida in 2000 who DIDN'T GET NOTIFIED AS REQUIRED BY LAW that their name had been purged and that they had lots of time to come in and fix it? I thought not.

    On the other hand, a precinct in St Louis (we have more votes cast than adult inhabitants) was kept open for hours extra (possibly costing John Ashcroft the election) in the name of a dead man and a dog.

    I smell the stink of fear from Dems accustomed to committing vote fraud by the casting of millions of ballots over decades.

  5. Anonymous2:46 AM

    You mean the Missouri precinct kept open in 2000 by a Republican judge, who'd been appointed by a Republican candidate running in that very election, and which the Republican director of elections said resulted in fewer than 500 extra votes being cast? The same election Ashcroft lost by 41,000+? Is that the fraud you mean? Boo hoo! (If you're going to cling bitterly to grudges, you might as well pick real ones.)

    I hope you didn't hear about the Shocking True Story of the Great Florida Panhandle Conspiracy. That scandal just might kill you.
