Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Quote of the Day – Here’s former House Majority Leader Dick Armey on Social Security reform: “That's clearly the biggest issue of our generation and it's an issue that's plagued by Republicans who don't dare and Democrats who don't care.”


  1. Anonymous1:32 AM

    And major Wall Street campaign contributors, who tear their hair in despair when denied their unfair share.

  2. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Right, we can't do anything that would enable those bald-headed tuxedo-wearing cigar-chomping right-wing rich people to earn money (for a service provided).

    That would.... make me green with class envy.

  3. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Oh, so now Social Security is a natural phenomenon, like rain, or gravity. And its very existence has nothing to do with Wall Street misdeeds.

    And anyhow, "the old economic rules don't apply anymore"-- the Dow just goes up, up, up forever! ISo let's all listen to economic wiz George W Bush and give our retirement money to brokers who truly care... we'll all have bedpans made of solid gold!

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Rich Uncle, that was a masterpiece, even by your lofty standards. I counted seven straw man arguments, in just a handful of sentences.
    You could be a pro.

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Tell it to "those bald-headed tuxedo-wearing cigar-chomping right-wing rich people to earn money (for a service provided)."
