Thursday, September 21, 2006

I’m almost positive he says things like this to drive Howard Dean nuts – From NewsMax: “Karl Rove promises October surprise


  1. First, it's not all that obvious that Howard Dean is not already nuts. Second, given that he may not be, it wouldn't take a 'drive' to get him there. More like one of those little 'gimme' putts that Tiger Woods taps in with the back of his putter.

  2. Anonymous2:19 AM

    The one and only Karl Rove has masterminded George W. Bush's amazing historic dead cat bounce, almost all the way back up to his putrid approval rating of one year ago. Can 44% be far away? And he did it by banging the exact same tattered drum from 2002, 2003, 2004, and 2005! Welcome home, DARK GENIUS! With Fat Brain unindicted and at the helm, the GOP may even hang onto the Congress they were going to hang onto anyway! GENIUS! And stupid crazy Dean! (He did a funny scream noise once, you know.)

  3. Anonymous11:58 AM

    ...the GOP may even hang onto the Congress they were going to hang onto anyway!

    Ha. Nice. Almost subtle. But we've not forgotten that unlike your bilious rantings of today, your bilious rantings of just a few weeks ago were triumphantly proclaiming the imminent Republican loss of the House.

    Still, you'll always have those approval polls to keep you warm this winter.

    I'm glad you've dimished your expectations to the point that you'll be able to pull yourself out of bed on November 15th, despite still living in Bu$hitler's ReTHUGlican America.

    Because I care.

  4. Anonymous1:35 PM

    The Dems still do have a shot at the House. Certainly a +17 is way more feasible than a +2.

    Still, you'll always have those approval polls to keep you warm this winter.

    How asinine. Approval polls matter in the amount of leeway and clout a particular figure has. When you get the chance, name all the legislative accomplishments, policy initiatives, and fulfilled goals of the Bush administration during the past two years. Their primary thrust is to retro-protect themselves from penalty for the laws they've previously broken. If I've "dimished my expectations," what has Bush and his alleged stack of political capital done?

  5. Anonymous2:14 PM

    If I've "dimished my expectations," what has Bush and his alleged stack of political capital done?

    Uh, rolled the Dems on every issue they've thought they owned, starting this past September 4th?

    I will admit the Dems still have a shot at the House, though. While we're on the subject, I've still got a shot with Scarlett Johanssen, I've still got a shot at becoming an Astronaut, and I've still got a shot at at spending this coming weekend in Paris.

    Good catch on the typo, though!

  6. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Uh, rolled the Dems on every issue they've thought they owned, starting this past September 4th?

    Whoa, September 4th? All the way since then? Was it the morning of Sept. 4, or is this historic turnaround even more recent?

    And on "every" issue, you say? Awesome! Can't argue with that level of detail!

    Who knew we were living in a post-9/4 world? Bush legacy, here we come!

  7. Anonymous8:55 PM

    As for those approval ratings, I'd certainly give Bush a higher one if he were a real conservative instead of such a wuss.

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM

    But we've not forgotten that unlike your bilious rantings of today, your bilious rantings of just a few weeks ago were triumphantly proclaiming the imminent Republican loss of the House.

    Still, you'll always have those approval polls to keep you warm this winter.

    The punchline:
    Democrats won 31 seats and the House, even better than those crappy approval polls indicated.

    I wonder who was biliously ranting as the returns came in? And did he keep warm using the throbbing veins in their temple?
