Friday, June 16, 2006

The soft bigotry of dumb blonde class warfare

Don’t you just loathe Paris Hilton? I know I do. As fickle fortune would have it, the Hilton family has made a boatload of cash whether through luck, hard work, or a contract with Beelzebub. Now Ellen Goodman believes that Paris Hilton shouldn’t be allowed to keep her inheritance because, well, she’s spoiled:

…Americans have long regarded heirs and heiresses with envy and scorn. Yes, the cream may rise to the top of the Fortune 500 list, but money easily curdles their kids into spoiled brats.
Somehow I imagine that if Paris were ladling soup in a homeless shelter or clearing landmines in Serbia, this would make little difference in the mind of Ellen Goodman. When you distill the liberal mind, it usually comes down to “give me a dollar.” The Hilton fortune was taxed once when it was made, taxed again when it was spent, taxed when it was saved, and now it will be taxed after death. But it’s only three out of 1,000 estates that will feel the pinch, so screw ‘em. That Paris is a tramp. Tori Spelling too.

1 comment:

  1. Paris should simply spend some of her money on ads asking the question, as far fetched as the answer might be, of who would you rather be, Paris or Ellen?
