Friday, June 16, 2006

The endless flashback

Michael Barone: “It has been a tough 10 days for those who see current events through the prisms of Vietnam and Watergate.”

Speaking of which, here’s the New Republic with “Kerry Flops Again”: “But every time Kerry speaks about Iraq you are almost automatically reminded of his seriatim record which shows that he was all over the place on the matter. I was for it before I was against it or I was against it before I was for it. No matter.”


  1. Anonymous2:27 AM

    Wowee! What an AWESOME week for Bush! Have you ever SEEN such good news for the good guys? Boy oh boy oh boy, BUSH IS BACK! And he's got those liberals on the ropes now!

    More on the GOP's amazing comeback can be found here:

  2. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Boy, are those Dems on a roll now. They've won, what, zero elections in a row since 2000? Lotsa moral victories, though.

    And their congressional approval rating is, ooooooo, about 20%.

    Boy, with Pelosi and Reid fronting the elected officials and Dean pumping up the troops who can doubt that another huge moral victory is just around the corner in November?


  3. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Dead cat bounce, baby. Dead cat bounce.

  4. Anonymous3:05 AM

    It's unfortunate that you seem to value things in terms of two "elections in a row," or the so-called good news about Karl Rove from last Thursday. American history is not measured in a few weeks or a few years. Avid Richard Nixon supporters, and there were tens of millions of them, had and have the rest of their lives to think about how their trust and support was abused by a candidate unworthy of it. George W. Bush's supporters, whether loyal or lapsed, will probably face (or suppress) the same lifelong introspection.

    Despite your ostentatious bravado, the coming November election seems likely to satisfy no one. But regardless of who makes a show of taunting whom, this is a sad time for Constitutional politics. The only good news is that American history is not measured in a few weeks or a few years.
