Friday, June 16, 2006

Looks like a Republican on Beacon Hill

Earlier today, the WashPost Fix took note of the governor’s race in Massachusetts:

The Bay State governor's race drops two slots this month largely due to gains made by Republicans in Michigan and Wisconsin. National Democrats got good news during the Massachusetts party convention earlier this month when wealthy businessman Chris Gabrieli qualified -- barely -- for the Sept. 19 Democratic primary. Gabrieli is widely regarded by neutral party strategists as their best chance to defeat Lt. Gov. Kerry Healey (R) in the fall. On paper, this race should be a victory for Massachusetts Democrats, but they have shown an amazing ability to snap defeat from the jaws of victory in recent gubernatorial elections over the past decade, so we are treading carefully.
As I’ve noted, if Gabrieli is the Democrats’ best chance to defeat Kerry Healey, then Mitt Romney’s successor should start measuring for curtains. Gabrieli has a slim-to-none chance of capturing the Democratic nomination and a none-to-none of chance winning in the general election. The Massachusetts GOP is unified behind Healey and the only thing she has to worry about is that Independent candidate Christy Mihos (he’s a dude) will siphon off enough votes to throw the election to the Democrats.

And then the bottom fell out on Mihos. From the Boston Globe: “Mihos paid Massachusetts no tax on his yachtAvoided sales, excise levies with R.I. address”:

Independent gubernatorial candidate Christy Mihos, a multimillionaire businessman, avoided more than $23,000 in Massachusetts sales tax and $1,320 in local excise taxes on his luxury motor yacht by forming a corporation in Rhode Island to purchase and own the boat, a Globe review of the transaction shows.

Mihos's lawyer set up The Yacht Ashley Inc. in Rhode Island, making Mihos the sole director and officer, to buy the yacht from a Portsmouth, R.I., dealer for $475,000 seven years ago. Mihos named the 36-foot yacht Ashley, and the corporation registered with the Coast Guard using the office of Mihos's Newport lawyer as the address. The Coast Guard registration lists the boat's hailing port as Mihos's West Yarmouth home.
Well, that’s the end of him. Congratulations, Governor Healey.


  1. Of course, if he were elected the first day in office he would say that he needs to raise taxes because of budget shortfalls and Bush's tax cuts for the rich.

  2. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Of course. Of course he would.

    Look out! Liberal under Brian's bed! A booga booga, made ya jump!

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