Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Funniest. Closing. Credits. Ever.

I just saw the end of the South Park episode lampooning Scientology. Stan denounces it as a global scam and the Scientologists angrily declare that they’re going to sue Stan for defamation. Stan yells back: “Go ahead and sue, I’m not afraid of you. Sue me!”

Then the credits roll and every single name is either “John Smith” or “Jane Smith.” Beautiful. Oh and Tom Cruise finally came out of the closet.


  1. I caught the credit thing too and loved it. Overall a good episode, but I thought they pushed the "in the closet" bit for too long. Halfway through the show I told my wife that they're running that joke into the ground and she agreed.

  2. Anonymous11:05 AM

    "South Park"? Running a joke into the ground? NO! Never!

  3. Ping
