Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Fitzmas fizzles and flops

From the WashPost: “Woodward could be a boon to Libby

The revelation that The Washington Post's Bob Woodward may have been the first reporter to learn about CIA operative Valerie Plame could provide a boost to the only person indicted in the leak case: I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby.

Legal experts said Woodward provided two pieces of new information that cast at least a shadow of doubt on the public case against Libby, Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, who has been indicted on perjury and obstruction of justice charges.

"I think it's a considerable boost to the defendant's case," said John Moustakas, a former federal prosecutor who has no role in the case. "It casts doubt about whether Fitzgerald knew everything as he charged someone with very serious offenses." Other legal experts agreed.
The only thing that’s going to bring down Karl Rove now is kryptonite.


  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    News Item: Cheney calls 57% of Americans “Dishonest and Reprehensible”

    An increasingly desperate Bush Administration today continued to ratchet up its rhetoric against the 57% of Americans who disagree with Administration views on the use (or misuse) of pre-war intelligence to justify the invasion of Iraq.

    On Friday, and again on Monday as he fled for Asia, Bush called those who accused him of manipulating pre-war intelligence “deeply irresponsible.” Today Vice President Cheney emerged from his bunker to label those who disagreed with his views as “dishonest and reprehensible” and further accused them of “cynical and pernicious falsehoods.”

    Latest polls show Bush’s approval rating among Americans to be 34%. Cheney’s approval rating hovers at an abysmal 19%. More importantly, polls show that 57% of Americans believe that Bush and Cheney deliberately misused pre-war intelligence to justify the Iraq invasion, and that this percentage is continuing to increase.

    At this point it is not clear what effect Bush and Cheney calling 57% of Americans “irresponsible, reprehensible and dishonest” will have on their approval ratings.

    White House sources have suggested that if lashing out against the clear majority of Americans who disagree with them on Iraq does not move public opinion back in their favor they may be open to bolder initiatives. They are said to be considering reacting to the 89% of Americans polled who consider Cheney the “human embodiment of evil” by having Cheney call them “witless troglodytes.” Karl Rove is rumored to have suggested an even stronger reaction to the 78% of Americans polled who consider Bush to be an “amiable dunce,” having Bush refer to them as “pustulent whores.”

    In an increasingly bad sign for the Republicans, 67% of Americans polled responded that they viewed Pat Robertson as the “sole voice of reason” in the Republican Party, though those polling numbers were taken prior to Robertson calling for God to assassinate the President of Venezuela and for the destruction of the town of Dover, PA.

    Asked to comment on these recent developments Bush, in South Korea for a photo op with a chicken, would not respond. Later Bush is set to give a policy speech on North Korea’s nuclear weapons capability, speaking under a banner reading “Fission Accomplished.” Bush will return to the US on Saturday.

  2. Anonymous3:06 PM

    This is going to put the liberal news papers fairness on the line. They got ride of Judith Miller for doing the same thing Woodward did. They dismissed Miller as a conservative "Bushy". So they trumped up this charge and flushed her.

    Now one of their demigods has done the same thing. I'll bet they don't flush their hero the way they did Miller.

    More evidence of a left-wing bias in the MSM.

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Yes Democrats and their shills in the MSM have successfully told the big lie. Congratulations fellows, your scum, that's your stategy and your sticking to it.

    Perception will change once you are exposed for the traitorous liars you are.

    Its time to shout these liars down in public. America will be damaged if scum is allowed to profit.

  4. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Phil, did you bring enough for everybody?

  5. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Sounds more like RA spent 2 hours hitting the hard stuff between posts.
    "They're all shkum! SHKUM, I tellsh ya! Rotten defeatisht shkum who've got to be shtopped! No, I won't hand you my car keysh!"

  6. Anonymous10:28 AM
    Bush, Cheney, and other senior officials have added several other arguments in recent days that distort the factual record. Below, Knight Ridder addresses the administration's main assertions:

    The best one-two punch? When do you ever see something stated this baldly in a wire service piece?:

    ASSERTION: In his speech, Bush noted that "more than a hundred Democrats in the House and the Senate - who had access to the same intelligence - voted to support removing Saddam Hussein from power."

    CONTEXT: This isn't true.

  7. Anonymous7:07 PM

    The only thing that’s going to bring down Karl Rove now is kryptonite.

    In case you haven't noticed, Rove has already been brought down, as his effectiveness has been hobbled and the Fitzvestigation continues on. And the only Kryptonite in this story is George W. Bush, whom 2006 Repiblican candidates are already recoiling from.
