Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Well, this really is a bizarre twist

Sources: Plame learned covert status from Woodward

I’m playing catch up with this story, but check out the comprehensive reviews from Decision 08, Macs Mind, Strata-Sphere, Ankle-Biting Pundits and (of course) the Minuteman.

Extra – With the Woodward revelation, Kate O’Beirne wonders why everybody else is allowed to have a rotten memory but only Scooter Libby has been indicted. Good point. Also, is it really so crazy to suppose that Libby heard about Plame from reporters as he claimed when everybody in Washington seems to be in on the secret? I need to check the Tradesports contracts on Libby’s conviction.

Update: Not much movement. Still hovering around 50-50 for a Libby conviction. Or acquital, such as it is.

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