Thursday, January 06, 2005

Viking Pundit celebrates two-year anniversary – many shrug shoulders

Sometime after I noticed that John Cole hit his third-year anniversary, it occurred to me that it’s been two years since I started Viking Pundit, almost a year after my original “blog” of Smarter Harpers (where you can see a picture of me making Jiffy-Pop) and at the insistent urging of Moe at Occam’s Toothbrush.

I’ll be perfectly honest: it’s been a blast running this blog, but the driving force behind the site was to assist in the re-election of President Bush (I was a contributor to Blogs for Bush also). Now that my primary objective is done, what next? I’m not sure. It looks like the future of blogging is in group blogs (B4B, Powerline, Polipundit) although I’d really like to stay independent, even if it means that I’m a niche blog spending 80% of my time railing against Social Security.

Whatever may happen, thanks to everybody for stopping by and the (half) handful of you who have contributed to defray some of my posting costs.

All the best – Eric


  1. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Way to go, Eric!! Yours remains one of my very favorite blogs. Here's to fifty more conservative outpost anniversaries!

    Scott Elliott, aka The Blogging Caesar

    (Oh, and thanks for the link!)

  2. Anonymous11:09 PM



  3. Congrats Eric and a belated Happy Birthday to VP. Thanks for a great read and here's hoping there will be many more. You've been in my Tier 1 folder since I clicked you on March 12, 2003.

  4. Glad to have you around. I read you every day without fail. Keep up the good work. - Brian at Tomfoolery

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Congratulations Eric. We're going to put a special mention of it over in the "Observations On The News" section at Keep up the great work.

  6. Happy anniversary.

    I think that there's precious little tension between participating in an individual effort and in a group one as well.

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