Friday, January 07, 2005

Spit take alert

Bill Whittle has a relentlessly funny piece skewering Michael Moore and his belief that liberal Hollywood actors should run for public office:

Now Michael starts to get religion! He balls his hands into small fists, peeling off the points. What the Republicans don’t want the Democrats to know – all you Democrats, please leave the room! – is that the secret to electoral success is that America loves Hollywood! Americans just love actors so much, we common folk hold them in such high esteem, that we’ll go for just about anything they’ve got! “Where is our Arnold?” implores Mr. Moore. Mike, and presumably many other liberals, want to know exactly this.

(Note to Terry McAuliffe: Please, please don’t throw a Martin Sheen / Ben Affleck ticket at us Jesuslanders! We’d be defenseless! Our celebrilicious genes would take over and we’d be paralyzed to resist! The election would go Dem in a cakewalk! Dear God, Terry – anything but that!)
Put that coffee down and read the whole thing.

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