Friday, January 07, 2005

Lunatic fringe, the aftermath

Investor’s Business Daily writes the Democrats are “Losing It”:

The Democrats should be in the middle of a vital debate over their disastrous performance in national elections in recent years. So what do they do? They continue to fight lost battles.

Losing a major election is usually a time to reflect on your strengths and, more important, your weaknesses. For Democrats, this seems now to be impossible. Their recent behavior will doom them to more electoral failure, and even possible irrelevance.
Here’s more on yesterday’s meltdown from James Taranto, Powerline, Crush Kerry, and the picture of the day goes to the Cracker Barrel Philosopher. Sheesh, indeed. I caught a little bit of the Senate debate on C-Span; here’s the roll call of the 74-1 vote, the first vote of the 109th Congress. (Political junkies: Check out all the new names. No more Daschle, no more Edwards! And John Kerry’s missed vote percentage now stands at 100%)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    1. Any party that puts its time and energy into temper tantrums like yesterday's Parade of Dingbats (Boxer-Reid-Hillary-Obama) is not fit to govern.

    2. Any party that makes itself Michael Moore's bitch is unfit to govern.

    3. Any party that would rather put its time and energy into increasingly outrageous attacks on its opponents rather than update a sixty-year-old agenda based on discredited socialist dogma is unfit to govern.
