Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ah-nold is going to (clap) pump Bush up

Arnold Schwarzenegger just took the stage and he’s really working up the crowd with some personal stories. Robert Novak believes that Ah-nold could actually deliver Cal-ee-fornia for President Bush – “Schwarzenegger may hold key to president’s re-election.”

Extra – The PoliPundit, also an immigrant, has a personal response to Arnold’s story: “I'm a conservative Republican because of the same reasons Arnold is - because conservative Republicans believe in rewarding work and enterpreneurship. Because conservative Republicans want to combat socialism in every form. And that's more important to me than anything else.”

1 comment:

  1. Pumping 'em up is right! I had this feeling he was just testing the girlie-men a few weeks ago! So cool he worked it in!
