Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Still searching for a rationale

From the WashTimes: “Still no case for Kerry

But biography is the past — or at best prologue. The question is what comes next. And in this context, Mr. Kerry was largely silent. I know, some will point to all the position papers the campaign has produced, and the intelligence of its advisers and the lines of substance about what lies ahead that actually were uttered during the convention and in the intervening weeks.

It doesn't matter. No one remembers a word of it. And the reason is that the biographical material crowded it all off stage. Yes, of course, Mr. Kerry needed to "introduce" himself to the American people. But that is not all he needed to do. It is now apparent that what should have been an elegant backdrop to the substantive case for a Kerry administration became itself the case in chief. To mix my theatrical metaphor, never mind the play: Look at the sets. Look at the actor.
The rumors are swirling that the Democrats are livid with the Kerry campaign and heads will roll. My guess is that Team Splunge will expunge all references to Vietnam for the next month now that they realize that approach is backwards-looking.

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