Tuesday, August 31, 2004


Amazing Race update – Well, Kami and Karli managed to avoid another last place finish in a large part due to Brandon and Nicole’s choice to pursue the Fast Forward. However, when the couple discovered the task involved cutting off all their hair, the professional models backed out. They came in last, but this (again?) was another non-elimination round so they’ll start the race next week without any money. Colin and Christie are simply unstoppable, grabbing their fifth first-place finish. Once again, Colin was a riot with his intemperate “I’m packing it!”

Jenna and Barbara Bush were a tad nervous and – let’s face it – a little painful to watch. They’re not exactly polished speakers and plowed through their laugh lines. But it almost didn’t matter because Arnold Schwarzenegger’s speech was simply superb. The Republican National Convention is a Hot Rod Lincoln hitting on all cylinders so far.

(Trivia fun: “Twins” was also the name of an Arnold movie! And thus we come full circle on this post).


  1. They seemed so bad that it almost was like they were going after the unsophisticated vote. Hugh Hewitt does have a chapter about how not every voter is smart.

    I also thought that the idea of turning them into a stand-up act was silly, but they did get off some good lines actually, even if the delivery was mostly giggly.

    Pat from Kerry Haters

  2. I was "praying" to hear Brandon say "The Lord is sending us a message that we must shave our heads" oor something similar.
